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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I use to have a really cool version of them doing "Ball and a Biscuit" together. I'd love to hear them in the studio sometime.
  2. My thoughts exactly. Better then the old jerseys I think, but I would have much rather had one of those Johnny Canuck logos that were floating around in the internet.
  3. Kicking Television was likely recorded digitally. Granted, probably better then red book audio but still. What we need is a dvd of it.
  4. The Fab Four will always be number one in my books. I'm afraid if I say a band is better I'll spontaneously combust.
  5. Second greatest band of all time. Also, I really liked My Morning Jacket's take on "It Makes No Difference".
  6. Not that I would ever condone stealing but I heard once there was a way to get "Logic Express" for free. I know, it's probably a myth, like sasquatch and polar bears. However, Logic is a fantastic audio editer and sequencer.
  7. I have one sticker, a few buttons, and then various books and DVDs. I wanted a tshirt when I saw them last month but I got thirsty and bought a powerade so i only had $24 (the shirts were all 25! grr).
  8. He engineered and played on (not to mention one or two writing credits as wel) A Ghost Is Born so I imagine he had a lot to say.
  9. WHAT?! Wilco played "It's Just That Simple"?!?!??!?!?!
  10. TCP

    I'm a ghost

    Why does it say "taxation without representation"?
  11. Dude I know, I think it's one of the finest mixed albums of ALL time.
  12. Fo' sho' blindgonzo, fo' sho'. Except as someone who rides Vancouver's transit system for three hours everyday, it does have it's flaws. Like the fact that skytrain stops running at 1 am (when the bars close at like 2 or 3). But yes, you are correct about everything else.
  13. A part of a robot, I reckon'. Nah, I have no clue.
  14. Sample and Hold.. haha oh Mike! Four part harmonies man, four part harmonies!!!!
  15. For vox, you want large diaphragm. For drums, get large diaphragm for the overheads, oh and make sure one is bidirectoional and use the mid-side technique. For acoustic guitars, I usually use condensers. For amps, dynamics... but you know, it depends on the instrument and how it's being played. There's no rules. If someone tells you there's a rule, break it, that's how you can discover some of the most interesting things. p.s. this should be in Solid State Technology but... no biggy!
  16. Hi! Welcome to the boards. My favorite Wilco album is Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. You should check out Jeff's old band "Uncle Tupelo" next.
  17. If Mike can sing why doesn't he sing back up in Wilco?
  18. I was pretty surprised when I heard them bust out Too Far Apart (I didn't even recognize it at first), Hesitating Beauty, and Bob Dylan's Beard during sound check at Vancouver.
  19. I'm pretty sure you're the only one that thinks the White Stripes are going to break up.
  20. Is that Jason Molina's cousin as the rumours say??
  21. Don't know about Lennon but Pecan Pie always reminded me of McCartney.
  22. I was just meaning in general. I agree with, don't worry!
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