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watch me fall

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About watch me fall

  • Rank
    On & On & On

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    my sweet carolina
  • Interests
    I hate mini vans and green peas.
  1. I thought this guy got banned. Or maybe that was Jules.
  2. I saw TOTD in Philly Friday night and it was amazing. For their first real show the band was tight. There were a few glitches and I'm sad I didn't get to hear River of Deceit but I got nothing to complain about. I'd never get to see Pearl Jam in such a small venue so was happy to see TOTD. Mike McCready was on fire, especially on that Sabbath cover. So good.
  3. I'll be in Philly as well. I'm super excited!
  4. Big fan. Saw him open for Jason Isbell last year. I need to check out the streaming of his new album.
  5. I've seen Isbell several times but haven't seen Ritter despite being a fan of his for about a decade now. I'm excited to take some family to the show so they can see what my fandom is all about.
  6. I get to see this in 2 weeks. Can't wait!
  7. Awww. Gotta love Bill. I wish Apatow would do a 'where are they now' episode. I'd like to think Bill made it big.
  8. Not sure about the 15 minutes, because I watched both Pearl Jam Fenway shows on periscope, mainly from one scoper. And multiple people scope during the show. Nothing the band can do about it unless they specifically ask people not to and even then I doubt people would stop.
  9. I follow JI on twitter and he was more than appreciative of being able to play there. That's just one of the things I love about him as a musician.
  10. You have to be on twitter these days to catch Solace.
  11. 2009, I believe. It's been even longer for Charlotte and Charleston.
  12. Awesome show! Ready for the next (and final) season. Took me a month but I finally finished all six seasons of Shameless. Loved it. Now I need something else to start on.
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