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About foolnrain97

  • Rank
    Dawned On Me
  • Birthday 04/10/1985

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  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio

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  1. Happy belated BURFDAY everyone!@#$%! I'm a day late and a dollar short as per usual. This site and band were an important part of my life through college(read procrastination tool). I was very lucky to meet a bunch of really awesome people from here at various shows and a few of them even graciously opened their doors to me while traveling. So good to scroll through this thread and be reminded of all of the wonderful people. Many thanks to Kidsmoke and everyone else that started/maintained/continues to keep this place going.
  2. So, like, what's up and stuff?
  3. Long live Umm... Miss you guys more than I miss the days of being a shiftless college student with apparently nothing better to do than post on and read a Wilco message board for hours a day. I hope everyone is well and that you had a good thanksgiving and that your upcoming holiday seasons are great.
  4. I've got a ticket that I can't seem to find anyone to take. If you want to go to tonight's show, let me know. First PM gets it and you'd probably have to meet me outside the theater before hand.
  5. Thanks everyone(your words mean a lot). I really miss you guys too-I wish I had more time to spend here. 1 package of Bryan Hot Dogs-haha
  6. BURFDAY BURFDAY BURFDAY!@#%!#$^@^% Hope it's a good one!@#%!@#$
  7. BURFDAY BURFDAY BURFDAY!@#%$!@#%!@#$%! Hope it's a good one!!@#$%^#%^*%*(2
  8. There are some things on there that sound like they were run through processors. And in The Wolves, that vocal tuner is hard to miss. I mean, if that's what Justin says he did, who am I to say he didn't, but to my ears, it doesn't sound 100% analog. Didn't mean to start any drama(if I did).
  9. BURFDAY BURFDAY BURFDAY!@#%!@^$!#$ Hope it's a great day!@#$!@#
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