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Everything posted by sam

  1. sam

    DC date added

    we got GA floor. can't wait!
  2. i wouldn't pay $30 for it, that's ridiculous!
  3. my husband is with you. i'm not allowed to listen to it around him...
  4. you people who are waiting until may, you don't know what you are missing.
  5. wow, it is like the band listening to hate it here now.
  6. oh man. i can't to see this stuff live. that's a way off though, huh?
  7. i'm glad my husband fell asleep and we missed going to see the zodiac killer. this is MUCH better. go husband.
  8. i had to open my itunes for it to work...don't know why.
  9. holy crap! impossible germany rocks!
  10. click the bird to launch the player. woo hoo!
  11. he's on "great atomic power" which is a louvin bros song. just background vocals. personally, i'm a big lambchop fan, so that's why i got the album. jeff tweedy is just a bonus. my husband just bought a t-shirt with that album cover on it. it rocks.
  12. someone gave me a year's subscription to b&w magazine for a wedding gift... otherwise, i just read and leave mags at borders... thinking of subscribing to no depression or national geographic....tough choice.
  13. yeah, i miss the beard too... but great photos. more more more!
  14. grapes is good. but you probably already know that..
  15. i have misplaced my AGIB but for some reason i have 3 copies of it on my computer...or maybe it is for that reason... anyway. i listened to it today.
  16. hopper. although i will give no explanation.
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