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Everything posted by Motorik

  1. I don't know what's more disturbing the news or the fact it only took seconds to appear on Wikipedia.
  2. If they ever bring back debtors prison then I'll get excited. Until then its just numbers.
  3. Do you need a special permit to start a thread on this board?
  4. True Romance. I know he didn't direct.
  5. Wrong, the Native Americans were displaced by an invader. If after a thousand years, the Lakota nation decided to have a wholesale change in socio,economic, political and religious systems you could do a comparison.
  6. Yes, they were. They were killed due to a huge political/economical/cultural shift and their refusal to adapt to a more enlightened way of life. They hung on to the old ways; the old outdated religious beliefs were just a small part.
  7. Actually one could argue that some Maoists and Stalinists did kill based on a fanatic atheist ideology. But that is the exception rather than the rule when compared to organized religions.
  8. Sam Cooke, Cornell Dupree, Clifton White, King Curtis, Tate Houston, George Stubbs, Jimmy Lewis, Albert "June" Gardner
  9. Don't let the God Squad keep you down brother man. As the man said, opiate for the masses and all that.
  10. Police & Thieves - Joe Strummer W/the Pogues Blue Hotel - Ryan Adams Across 110th Street - Bobby Womack Back To Black - Amy Winehouse Listen Joe - Golden Smog
  11. Energy independance, world peace and a slice of French Silk pie.
  12. McDonalds Ad Feat. Grimace Grimace
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