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Posts posted by rockinrob

  1. Funny story about the first time I listened to unlikely japan.


    I forget to flip the speed button on my turntable up to 45, so it played at 33 1/3 for my first time hearing it. The beginning guitar comes in really low and nasty sounding, then this really cool keyboard part appeared. "this is interesting, very dark and melodramatic and slow. I like this a lot!" Then tweedy starts to sing, but he sounds rediculously low and I realized my mistake.


    Everyone should listen to this at 33 1/3 though, it is really cool that way too.

  2. Im just going to through this out there, but I am assuming since you all are wilco fans (well....most of us on here :) ) you have good tastes in music.


    I guarantee if you bought a record player, you wouldnt regret it. You can get an audio technica one for under 100 that works great. It is a cool hobby, you can enjoy the liner notes better, and it is truly one of my most loved passions. I think if I had to live without vinyl it would be like living life without the color blue!


    Anyways, I think this single is really cool. Ive enjoyed it alot, and I wish they would do more of them.


    Wilco could make a killer b sides record.


    Unlikely Japan

    The Good Part

    Not For The Seasons

    Cars Cant Escape

    Ill Fight



    There are many more that I just dont feel like typing, but you get the picture.



    They should ask to borrow neil young's platform he used for archives and fill that sucker up!

  3. This news of the cause of death has hit me in two very different ways.


    The cynical, jaded, judgemental part of me says "another junkie rock star who played russian roulette with fate and lost"..I don't like that Crow.


    My better angel side wonders at the tragic turn his life took. Not knowing Jay, I can only guess at the pain that became his constant companion and wonder if this pain may have exacerbated the personality quirks that led to his dismissal from Wilco.


    I hate that he died so young and in pain. I hate that he was unable to stay a member of the band that has been consuming my attention for fourteen years.


    I wonder why it seems that the most talented and inspired Rock Musicians often have demons chasing them. Is the old saw that one must be a tortured artist to make the most compelling music ACTUALLY true?


    It is a tragedy. But these things happens millions of times a day. It is more poignant for us because he was somebody we 'knew'. His death is no more or less important because he was an artist. It is important to US because we (in varying degrees) appreciated the man's music both with Jeff Tweedy and without.


    I think I'll hoist a cold beverage and listen to Summerteeth tonight in his memory. Then I will write my congressman urging that Health Care reform be the number one issue.



    This has nothing to do with a junkie rock star. It is all about a man with a serious, debilitating condition that caused extreme pain being forced to take a powerful and dangerous drug to control that pain. They have had issues before with these patches leaking too much medicine and killing the wearer, and also I believe if you leave one on for too long it can also kill you. Fentanyl is very strong stuff, mostly given to cancer patients.




    Its just really sad to me that he couldnt have had this fixed a long time ago.


    You'll be missed jay.

  4. I believe the release was delayed because there was too much wilco coming out at once.


    The cd, if it is like sbs or how other bands have been doing it will be in a slip jacket either with a front and back cover, or just paper. The vinyl will come with all of the art in the gatefold and on the liner page with the lp. I think this would be way better than the cd's liner notes, because you can actually read them and enjoy them better.


    If you are indifferent, buy the vinyl just to boost vinyl sales so they make even more records available on lp.




    Also, does anyone else hope that they reissue the uncle tupelo records soon? I know I do.

  5. Born again in the usa is one of my favorite records from anybody, so I would love to hear more loose fur. I hope they continue to collaborate, especially since they are really just a recording project it seems like there arent alot of reasons not to.

  6. I wish they would book a date for florida soon. I dont know why more people dont come here. We are a large state, that a lot of people live in, and it is a long drive to even get out of the state. I am in school and running up credit card debt already, so I cant afford more than a few hours drive and I cannot afford a hotel room and all of that (I live in tampa, Jacksonville and miami are pretty much my limits.). For the last time I saw them in august 2008, a friend and I made some sandwiches in a cooler and crashed with another friend in jacksonville. They have made it to florida for every tour since ive been a fan, so I will give them that, but I like the new album alot and hope I wont have to wait for a year and a half after the record comes out. but that is why i download shows to listen to...


    other bands on the other hand, just completely ignore the market, so really I am just thankful wilco remembers us eventually.

  7. RIP Jay.



    Remember musicians dont really die though. Everytime someone discovers the masterpieces that are yankee hotel foxtrot and summerteeth, jay bennett will be alive. It just sucks that he couldnt make it through this rough patch hes been in.

  8. I would highly recommend blueridge guitars. A friend of mine bought one because he was going on tour and didnt want to bring his old expensive handmade guitar (dont know the builder, but it is from the early 70s). His blueridge is a great guitar, and I have since played a few more of them that were equally impressive. He paid 500 for his, and they have some cheaper than that as well.

  9. I have an audio technica turntable that I bought at best buy 5 years ago for 80 bucks. It has a built in preamp, and I plug it into the line in on my stereo. It isnt great, but it does its job good enough for me for now. when I get a real job though...

  10. they made a new one!


    I see around 15 vinyl copies of "down with wilco"! they arent even opened :(



    also dante is represented. They have the kingpin. a book called "hatred of capitalism"


    The ampeg b-15 had its power transformer replaced.

  11. I buy everything on vinyl. I don't remember the last time I downloaded or bought a cd.


    I think best buy selling them will bring them to a larger audience, and will get more people hooked. I think it will also make more labels willing to press albums on vinyl because now most markets have a place to sell them.


    It could be bad for indie stores, but I wont be shopping any less at my local ones, but maybe instead of ordering online I would take a look at best buy first.

  12. I just added this guitar to the collection. It's a Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul VOS. It's interesting that they branded it as a Les Paul, because I don't think that style of Maestro was used until a few years after '61, after it had been rebranded as the SG. The '61 Maestro was different. Either way, cool guitar and a lot of fun.




    The sideway vibrola is the one that should be on the 61-63 style sgs, but they are awkward and dont really work. You move the bar back and forth on those, instead of up and down. The SG reissue that gibson makes is really closer to the 63/64 sgs. Ive always wondered why they didnt just call them that, but whatever. They are really cool guitars, I bet yours is great!

  13. I just wanted to state in writing, that this shall forever be known as The Camel Album.



    I for one cannot wait for the camel album. It is going to be amazing, and will look awesome hanging on my wall to boot.



    I hope they include a massive poster of the camel in the vinyl versions! It could say: "Tzvi loves you" above the camel and then just have him standing there hanging out.

  14. 1st) Vinyl is actually cheaper, but only in medium and up quantities (like 10,000+ pressings). Think about it. To make a record, they play the master tape into a cutting lathe, which makes a master laquer. The make a molding of the master laquer. that mold wears out after every thousand or so pressings. the master laquer is fine, but you have to recover the costs of that process. Regular bulk vinyl is cheaper than the metal used in cds, so once you are able to cover the costs of the mold and the extensive cutting process, it is less.


    2nd) Why do they release so many albums as double vinyl when they were single cds? On vinyl, the up and down movement is where the bass frequencies are. (That is another reason why 180g vinyl is favored, there is more room for the bass frequencies.) This is why you see the riaa eq curve thing listed on some albums. RIAA eq curve was a standard they reached in the 50s where they increase the treble and greatly decrease the bass when the laquer is cut, and then the preamp for the turntable has an eq curve that reverses this. If they didnt do it this way, there would be no bass on records, or they would only be one sided, and thicker.

    The width of the groove on the vinyl is the volume. The problem is that when albums start getting longer, you start losing volume significantly. The maximum length for high volume is 40 minutes, and at 45 minutes it becomes very noticeable. I have a Vinyl copy of Neil Young's Weld, and it is almost 30 minutes on each side. The volume is probably 1/4 that of a normal length record. It also greatly reduces sound quality, because you hear tons of noise trying to increase the volume, and the longer the record, the more tracking becomes a problem (skips and stuff).


    If you want to know about this stuff, read here http://www.urpressing.com/resources.php


    And I cant wait to buy these wilco reissues!

  15. I think tweedy probably has nightmares about this very scenario. When I met him, I got the feeling he was not very comfortable with random people/ lots of random people. We had a little quick conversation, and he was super nice, but I was getting the vibe the he was a little freaked out by the 20-30 people crowded around. I think if he was stuck on a boat, in the ocean, with 2,000 of us, that would be the definition of a nightmare for him.


    But if he is cool with it, a wilco cruise would be a dream come true for me!

  16. It doesn't scare me at all. I'm actually happy that it will be included. I'm sure the lyrics and arrangement will be different.. Come on, that riff kicks ass.


    I think it will be an awesome record if that song was on there. I think that riff and the melody are so cool! When I heard it, I really hoped it wasn't something they thought was throw away, because I sure don't.

  17. you just have to chill out. you have to be ready to catch a song, but dont force them. I bought a zoom h2 pocket recorder, and I carry it everywhere. Usually for me, driving is my inspiration. I will be driving along, with the radio off just sitting in silence, and suddenly I will start singing a song. I pull out the recorder, and record as many ideas as I can, until the whole thing kind of dies off. then later, I listen to my recordings and try to work out some songs. You cant be afraid to go a long time without writing.


    Maybe you should get another hobby. I know that Neil Young is obsessed with toy trains, and that he has spent large portions of his time off just playing in his garage.

  18. He doesnt mean hate as in "I hate that". As a writer, songs are a document of where you are at in your life at that time. He has moved on from all of that stuff, and when he hears stuff from "Being There" today, that guy doesnt exist anymore, so he can't listen to them. It kinda like watching a home video of yourself and saying "My hair looked stupid. I sound like an idiot. Im so glad Im not like that anymore."

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