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Posts posted by rockinrob

  1. I cant get this song out of my head, and I felt like I should share with you guys.




    His name is Sean Costello. He is an amazing singer and guitar player grouped in with blues, but I think what he plays is really just music.


    His songwriting is awesome, and he actually plays great SONGS, not little excuses for guitar solos.


    This is from his self titled record, but his last record "We can Get Together" has been the only thing ive listened to for awhile. It is awesome.


    I think this verse is just so cool:


    I've been criticized

    And in my life I've made a few mistakes

    But don't write me off

    I got such a long, long way to go

    And I've been talked about

    And in my life I've had a few bad days

    But don't count me out,

    Because there is one thing you should know


    I got a light that keeps on shinin' in my mind,

    Day and night, it just keeps burnin' all the time

    And there'll be no half steppin'

    I got to keep on pushin'

    There'll be no half steppin'

    I got to keep on pushin' all the time



  2. this whole vinyl business is tedious but its worth it for that lovely sound. just wish it wasn't so hard trying to track down a stylus compatible with my Emerson. my primary dealer stopped selling them. :ohwell




    you will most likely be looking for either a P or S (1/2 inch) mount cartridge.

  3. I'll be damned Rockinrob, problem solved! My cartridge manufacturer suggests a tracking weight of .75 to 1.5, but I had to bump it up to about 2.75 to get it to behave. Midway through "Box Full of Letters" and I haven't had a single skip (would have had probably 10-12 before). I guess what threw me off is that the rest of my Wilco LPs are new and A.M. is the only one that was problematic. Oh well, I must be high. Thanks, mate!


    You have to be careful with the tracking weight. Shure makes a gauge you should probably pick up.


    If the weight is too low, the needle will bounce around and screw up all of your records. Every time it skips, it is damaging the vinyl.


    Having the weight set high will cause the needle to wear needlessly and will wear your records out. They will start to sound muffled.



    Glad to help!

  4. I just use the baggs M1a in my martin hd-28v.


    It sounds and works fine, and most people think it sounds way better than most other amplified acoustic guitars. If you ream out the hole to 1/2 inch, you can just plug a guitar cable straight into the pa and it works great. I think they sound infinitely better than most undersaddle piezos and other soundhole pickups.


    It comes with a few little things that are sticky on one side and have a little arm on the other that is bendable. I use this to suspend the cable inside the guitar. I usually remove the pickup and leave the cable tied down to those things. It doesnt move around. When I want to play out, I unhook the end of the cable, plug it in to the pickup and slide the pickup in. Works like a charm.


    This would be the simplest way.


    Using a good preamp and a sticky pickup (like a k & k or a frap) or some of the better piezos that have come out would be better, but also alot more expensive. It really all depends on what you can afford and how often you are going to be using it in places that it really would matter. I am of the opinion that an amplified acoustic is never going to be as good as the real thing, so close is good enough. I also dont play solo acoustic too often.


    I am happy with just the LR Baggs, but when I get more money (out of college!), I probably will get a k&k pickup and a preamp.

  5. that was awesome!


    I hope the rest of this comes out.



    As mentioned before, Ive always thought wilco kind of sounds like some of those buffalo springfield/early neil young tunes.


    Hearing them play broken arrow, it really sounds like a wilco song!

  6. Right - I should have mentioned that also.


    It goes to show you that Neil was not always a one take live in the studio sort of dude.


    Early on in his career he collaborated with Jack Nitzsche, who was a very talented arranger that did a lot of phil spector's arrangements and also a great pianist.


    Neil's self titled first record also features very lush orchestration, and is often overlooked.



    I really love this early side of neil and wish he wouldve revisited it sometime. I guess it is not too late, but that would be a crazy development (we are talking about neil young though!). His first record is an overlooked classic in my book. It has some clunkers on it, but it is a really cool record that has a great vibe to it.

  7. I actually think the coolest one for them to do would be expecting to fly, but I love broken arrow too.


    If any of you havent heard broken arrow or expecting to fly, get the buffalo springfield again record.


    Those two songs have always reminded me somewhat of wilco's experimental side. The original studio versions of those are really cool pieces of music.



    I'd say this is the one you want to hear:


    Buffalo Springfield - Broken Arrow (Youtube link)



    Broken Arrow (Wikipedia link)


    I will be surprised if any AUD tapes appear from the show. I doubt any taping equipment was allowed in the venue/show.


    I could be wrong.


    I'd rather hear Jeff do On The Way Home, Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing, or Flying On The Ground Is Wrong.

  8. I was just wondering if any recordings of wilco covering this at the neil young thing have surfaced yet?



    Also, guys if you are reading, please keep this in the set for a little while. At least until I see you in clearwater!


    I bet this was really really awesome live.

  9. Neil did a fine version of Long May You Run on O'Brien's final Tonight Show. He looked a little tired and shook up but for a 60something guy...well, he still has it.



    One of Neil's best friends, LA Johnson, passed away unexpectedly on thursday. I think the song selection probably had more to do with L.A. than Conan.

  10. haha, I like all of the "you need an alarm to get up at 9:30?" posts.


    I am in college, but I do work a part time job. The problem is I work at a really small place (there are three of us, the owner and her associate and then I am their assistant.) We stopped working around Dec. 18 and I am supposed to go back tomorrow, so I have had three weeks off. I usually stay up late anyways, but I actually did go to bed at 3 am last night. No more sleeping in until noon though :yucky stupid work!

  11. So last night I set my alarm to 9:30am, double checked how loud it was (to be sure I awoke)got my computer ready.


    Sometime in the night my power went out.


    Woke up at 10:15 with my phone vibrating because my friend was calling to tell me about the great wilco tickets he just got.



    realized my power was out and the internet didnt work.


    Frantically called my friend to have him get me my wilco tixs.


    By 10:30 the presale was only offering single seats




    It doesnt make me less of a fan that I didnt get presale tickets, correct?



    I guess there are bigger problems in the world, but not many that I can think of at the moment!

  12. they are offering the vinyl individually as well for very reasonable prices. http://store.acousticsounds.com/d/61626/Neil_Young-Neil_Young-Vinyl_Record__LP


    you can search for the other three on there.


    Harvest is 30 bucks cause they are using the original thick wooly feeling cardboard, and the rest of them are 22.


    I have no idea why the box set is going for 150 or whatever. I guess the extra box costs 50 dollars to make or something :)

  13. Hmm.. Should I wait until another possible southern date shows up, or go ahead and jump on this one? It is a 4+ hour drive for me.. But I am off work that day and the next... Decisions decisions....


    I would say jump on this one if you can afford the 4 hour trip and hotel you should probably get for safety's sake.


    Then if they come close to you, you can just see them twice!



    I hope they do a southern tour too, and any florida date would make me happy :thumbup


    but If we can throw out some suggestions, maybe a tampa/orlando show would be nice this time?

  14. I do this all the time.



    you need to get 220 grit sandpaper. hold it in your hand, and go up and down the neck with a light grip. you only need to do a few strokes, maybe like 10 times. It will be covered in a white dust, and when you wipe that dust off, it should look uniformly unglossed. I then polish the neck back to a semi shine with 0000 steel wool, but that is up to you. You shouldnt be removing much finish at all, so you dont need much pressure at any time. You are trying to rough up the finish so it is not so glossy. Basically to make it feel smoother, you need to make the surface rougher and less smooth.

  15. reasonably priced mono mixes - not in a boxset - and remixed stereo so that it doesn't sound shit, maybe?



    Unfortunately, the way they recorded all of the early stuff will not allow for stereo to work right. They only 3 track machines to begin with, and they would usually record bass drums and guitars to one track, which means you cannot adjust the levels or the panning for any individual instruments. thats why the stereo has vocals on one side and instruments on the other.


    It is a little more complicated than that, but essentially it is not possible to have what we are used to from those early recordings.

  16. I got mine today, and I really like that they used the old style jackets again, like they did for sky blue sky.


    For those of you that dont know what Im talking about, most records these days have the artwork directly printed on to the cardboard. On this album, sbs, and most old vinyl, they paste paper with the artwork printed on it onto the cardboard. They can use thicker cardboard then, and it makes the record feel much more substantial, and I think they wear better over time that way.

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