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Everything posted by TRAND

  1. Pieholden, you have summed up my thoughts on Wilco (live) perfectly. I had the same experience after the Red Rocks show but failed to explain myself as well. Of course I was "shot down" rather emphatically after I said I did not really enjoy the show. I would be willing to bet there are a lot more Wilco fans that feel the same way but go silent on this board. In fact, the last two large venue Wilco show's I've seen have let me down. I have caught them live in Europe over different year's and have enjoyed those show's more. Maybe it's a smaller venue, smaller crowd. I'll reserve my attenda
  2. Relax. I'm happy the band was happy. The crowd was happy. Who does'nt want to be happy? It was a great night. Perhaps my comments were better suited for another thread. I enjoy edgier concerts in smaller venues with a more attentive crowd (Tweedy at the Gothic comes to mind.) Perhaps that's selfish on my part. The band is in a good spot, Tweedy is healthy and happy. I think that shows in there new music and songs, for better or worse. I prefer the tortured artist. Complexity in the music has nothing to do with it to me. Again, probably needs another thread.
  3. The show was good, but overall I have had better experiences at Wilco shows. The Red Rocks crowds always seems to annoy me. Too many people trying to squeeze into the GA, out of towner's getting too drunk from the altitude, etc. Would Wilco sell 9,500 tickets in Denver if not for Red Rocks? My wife and I Saw two fights as well during the second set. I will say it's the happiest I've seen the band members, but I'm not sure that pleases me either. I've always liked the grumpy (edgy?) Tweedy performances. However, we had a great sight line to the stage, we met several really nice people, and
  4. Red Rocks in two weeks!! Cannot wait. Just hope the weather holds. Its been nice, but.....
  5. The wife and I saw Wilco in Zaragoza several years back on a week long trip to Spain. Getting around was easy. We bought our tickets on a spanish site beforehand and had a printout in hand. The venue did not recognize the printout, but let us in anyway without charging us. I was worried about it but it worked out. Our only problem was our luggage, as we had taken a train in that evening and left at 2 a.m. on an overnight to Barcelona. After four or five tries, we found a hotel to hold our bags. It turned out the venue would have let us use the coat check for our bags. Would of saved us
  6. Ouch. Thought Gary might play mostly new songs I'm not familiar with. The wife and I were going to walk down to see the show and decided against it at the last minute as we are seeing "X" there on Tuesday. Glad you had fun. I caught the Jayhawks at the Bluebird several years ago and it was a fantastic show. How large was the crowd???
  7. Quick note to those in Colorado. Just saw where Ryan Adams is playing Red Rocks, I think August 3rd? Opening acts, Old 97's, Jessie Sykes. I believe the guitar player in Jesse Sykes band is the old guitar player for Whiskeytown? Tickets on sale tomorrow a.m. Should be a really fun show.
  8. I was diggin KK's set if only for the history. He is a songwriting legend. Of course his voice is rough, but so was Townes'. Another notch on the belt for me.
  9. As discussed earlier, Jeff was pretty talkative. He was bantering (or badgering) a girl in the front. At one point during the encore Jeff asked if anyone had heard of Tupelo. I think the girl screamed out a Farrar tune, with Jeff replying "I did not write that one, " "I don't think I could do it justice." It was said in a sincere way I think. Can anyone add to that? Pretty funny during California Stars when Jeff started to ad lib asking the girl to sing the chorus.
  10. I agree with Cassius. Lyons is a somewhat different venue. Has a county fair atmosphere to me in a way. Too many distractions (loud kids, people coming and going and not paying attention). However I attend every year as the talent is always tremendous. This year's was great (although I skipped Sunday). During Jeff's show the crowd was mostly attentive and seemed to enjoy him. He looked like he was having fun as well. It appeared to me that he would have played for another half hour or so if the venue would have let him. Either way, a great setlist. Mixed things up a bit from the Den
  11. Your right about the sound. The last 3 years I've been there, VIP has been directly in front of the stage. It falls back maybe 15 yards? Like you said, hang to the right near the river with the kids. You can walk up to the right of the stage along the river to stand and watch. Otherwise, everyone else is sitting and it's not that easy to see. If you cannot get there before noon, no need to hurry. Prime spost are taken as soon as the gates open. Somewhat of a cattle call once the gates open. Somehow I was elected for dawn patrol so I have to show up in line at 9am. I can roll in anyti
  12. I'll be there as well. Folk's fest is always a good time. Amos lee and Mindy Smith lead up to Tweedy. Saturday's show has Guy Clarke, Kathleen Edwards, and Kris Kristoferson. Amazing. Because it is a general admission, outdoor show (with a large VIP section which takes a good part of the front of the stage), it is a good idea to get there early in the morning to claim some property with a tarp, etc.
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