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Everything posted by zebra

  1. I don't know about anybody else, but I am getting really pumped about this show. Every time I ride through downtown and look where they will be playing I count my blessings I will be about to go.
  2. My brother is at this show taking photos and he said some sort of Union owns the stage and if you are not part of the union, you must pay to step on it. Stupid.
  3. If you were to use a Black Sabbath, I would pick, "The Wizard". I would also choose, "The Prince" from Diamond Head.
  4. It would be cool to see some side by side photos.
  5. I imagine a lot of space between the people on the floor. Sorry, I can't see a 'pit' at a Wilco concert.
  6. Their studios album covers basically or do consist of two colors (or shades of the color). AM: red & black BT: green & black ST: blue & black YHF: yellow & black AGIB: cream/white & black SBS: white & black
  7. YHF is the Marina Towers. I am sure birds nest somewhere on one of the towers. AGIB has an egg. SBS has birds flying. Maybe one of those birds was hatched from the egg that was sitting on Marina Towers.
  8. That's not cool at all, but maybe the check would have a service fee taken out too.
  9. That is hard to answer because as I understand it, there has only been one paid concert in this venue in the past.
  10. I know, but you never know who will read this. I also just thought it would be a cool idea to see what others who will be there want to hear.
  11. I forgot to add my prediction. "You Are My Face".
  12. Well, it's not the Leno performance, but it was recorded around the same time. Enjoy! http://www.pbs.org/klru/austin/artists/WilcoSong.html
  13. As far as I know, if you are in the front of the lawn, you should be able to see it. However, I believe you will have to get there super early to get a good lawn spot.
  14. zebra

    Wilco vs BP

    Pearl Jam was all over this topic tonight at Lollapalooza. They even sang a song about it.
  15. Oh, I wouldn't worry about it at this point.
  16. No more "Kingpin"! Play something else. And why backstage?
  17. Yeah because I do not remember any poles in the seating area.
  18. Good list. If I could change one thing though, I would replace 'IATTBYH' with something else like, 'Kamera' or 'Ashes of American Flags".
  19. ^ Me too. I am getting very excited about this show.
  20. But people can still stand outside and hear the show like The Decemberists, right? If so, I imagine it to be packed outside.
  21. Does anybody here have a good quality mp3 of this song live they would pm me? Thanks.
  22. Maybe they will broadcast this show as a webcast.
  23. Don't they usually play a lot for charity shows?
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