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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. What kind of a society do we live in when a man is refused his right to a tasty steak simply because he murdered his wife and her friend?
  2. She's killed the concept of the likeable dumb blonde.
  3. MB: I've got a healthy dose of '83 in my collection, most comparable to some I've sent already....One of my favorite years. Save for a handful of shows, they seemed to be pretty tight.
  4. The Sink is a good call, and if you have a lot of time to kill, check out Bart's CD Cellar off the Pearl St. mall. Album's On The Hill (right across from The Fox) is nice, too. ed. Forgot you mentioned you'll be up there very early. If you like small-brewery and great tasting/selection beer, check out The Walnut Brewery (on Walnut St.), West End Tavern (on Pearl) and especially the Mountain Sun Brewery (Pearl) . At Mountain Sun (my favorite of the Boulder beer joints) try the Raspberry Wheat or Colorado Kind Ale. http://www.mountainsunpub.com/ All have great micro-brews and decent+ ea
  5. I won't get into a "better than" thing here, but the Dew from SPAC in 1983 is absolutely fierce and one of my all-time favorites. I've never heard a 'board quality of it, but that doesn't diminish the fierce-ness-icity.
  6. Well, yeah, but that's not the point. A malnourished Hollywood actress pales in comparison to the revelation a she is actually a he.
  7. She's priming for her role as Skeletor. Actually, I thought this thread was sure to reveal that Cate is actually a man before opening it. I'm a little bummed.
  8. That one, too: "I was gonna come down the aisle in a casket but the damn thing broke..!"
  9. The most popular show to have in one's collection for a reason. This show never gets old. Even the "Take A Step Back" is fun. This was also the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning. The show. It's happened often on May 8th over the years.
  10. I think Hiro lost concentration (chickened out) as Sylar hasn't taken his brain yet. I'm thinking the finding-girl may be a patsy to keep Suresh off the path of Sylar until the explosion. Not sure. She's a cold-hearted bitch. Actually, it's interesting that she's got so much pull with Linderman. She may be behind the whole thing....
  11. Any of what, exactly? That I don't empathize with Arod when he carps about being picked on? Sox players get jumped on by the press/fans just as avidly when players don't produce.
  12. I believe your sarcasm detector is faulty.
  13. I don't really care what Steinbrenner/Texas decide to pay their players, but I have zero pity for A-rod when the NY fans jump all over him for any real or perceived lack of production, postseason or regular season. Accepting that kind of money automatically carries a lot of weight with the expectations.
  14. Yeah, overall I guess it'd average out. The last few years he's been pretty wretched in the post season, though. Either way, if it continues to get under his skin and affect his game, more power to the hype.
  15. A-rod has been, overall, abysmal in the postseason. It's a fact. It has nothing to do with how well of a player he's been throughout his career in the regular season. I get a kick out of his struggles to produce in the playoffs.
  16. Yeah, I spaced he is more than likely headed for TJ surgery....
  17. Clemens over Ryan. Pedro over Clemens for situational pitching, though. I'd take Pedro to start a big game over Clemens during Pedro's dominant era (1998-2000/2001). Pedro was amazing to watch then. For overall value, though, it's Clemens.
  18. If Clemens wasn't going to come to BOS (though they did reportedly offer him around $18 million and didn't ask for him to be ready until June, like last year in Houston) I'm glad he went to NYY. It'll feel sweeter beating them. It enhances the rivalry. NYY will be a strong team once again. Clemens is an obvious bonus, but when Mussina, Wang, and Pavano return as well they'll be right back in it. Just in time for post-season sub-mediocrity from A-rod.
  19. Anxiously awaiting the next videotape with infra-red.
  20. Listening to a local sports radio show yesterday afternoon on the drive home was a professional and respected horse guy (sorry, don't know the name) who plays the horses for a living and said almost the same thing. He said the smart bettor doesn't simply heed the hype/odds nor the results of the horse's immediately previous race or two, but looks at where the horse is projected to be. He compared it to baseball players being called up to the big leagues and the prediction one can do on how they'll fare once they arrive there. Of course, some will be the next Ted Williams where others will f
  21. If you feel at home living in the lair of Beelzebub. Actually, I don't mind the flavor of onion, but the bulb itself and it's offspring are repugnant.
  22. Sounds tasty. I'm a fan of the blends.
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