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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Pavano will never pitch another game in a yankee uniform. It's pretty unlikely he ever returns to the majors.
  2. here's wishing you well. Don't have much to add on the DVR/Tivo thing. I thought one was a name brand of the other. Cablevision charges me like $6 a month for a HD DVR
  3. LOS ANGELES - Paris Hilton worked as a farmer and maid on her TV show "The Simple Life." Now she's facing a real-life hardship in her latest role: jail inmate. Hilton, who parlayed her name and relentless partying into worldwide notoriety, was sentenced Friday to 45 days in county jail for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case by driving with a suspended license. As an inmate, she might have to spend most of her day in a cell smaller than her closet
  4. well.... there is a certain silliness to a guy trying to run the free world worrying about his image on a site dedicated to kids with pimples and pervs trying to get in their pants.
  5. NEW YORK (CNN) -- Former radio talk show host Don Imus has hired one of the country's top trial lawyers to sue CBS Radio following his dismissal last month for making racial and sexual on-air comments about members of the Rutgers University women's basketball team. Attorney Martin Garbus told CNN Wednesday that he has agreed to represent Imus in a wrongful breach of contract suit against his former employer. Garbus would not disclose when he was retained by Imus but said he plans to file an action against CBS in the near future. Calls made to Imus by CNN were not returned. A CBS spok
  6. just as good: WASHINGTON - Is MySpace always mine or can it belong to someone else? At the cost of losing 160,000 friends, Democrat Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record)'s presidential campaign has taken over control of the MySpace page listed under his name on the popular social networking site. The case raises questions about the campaigns' desire to control their message versus the power of voter-generated material, especially for a candidate such as Obama who has sparked unsolicited excitement on the Web. For the past 2 1/2 years, the Obama MySpace page has been run by an Obama s
  7. Sorry Dave, I was comically referring to Sean H. as Ction after VC's second most popular alias creator. If Caliber66 were around I'm sure he could massage that jokey bit I tried in a way that made some element of sense. best!
  8. Deer Ction, I hear ya. signed, A lonely liberal
  9. Yankees fan who trained terrorists turns informant I blame George
  10. They're posting from inside the house!
  11. either way. I think we both agree 'those people' are assholes...and that a flac argument parody would provide some welcome levity to the never ending regurgitation of personal agendas in the wake of tragedies. Or not.... substitute me for we, perhaps
  12. Hey what can I say. The yankees are god-awful. They don't have a lick of pitching right now, and the pen is a train wreck. I'm actually surprised those games were as close as they were...They should have pulled that one out friday though...and I am pretty happy they beat up on Dice-K. Going to be a very long season unless a few guys get healthy and they find a way to patch up the leaks in the bull pen.
  13. any way you can spin this into an argument for the flac format? it would certainly be a better world without agendas.
  15. Sum up: Welcome to VC. It's a great community of passionate people. Wilco is an awesome band, but more than that VC is place to talk about all kinds of music, current and historical events. Life. Death. And the insanity in between. We even manage a political conversation or two (sometimes without killing one another). But sometimes people come aboard and what they're looking for or what they need can best be found elsewhere...like at home, or under the guidance of a knowledged professional (remember that one guy and the pink floyd thing?). Sometimes what we don't think others can see can
  16. You're projecting way too much Donna. I'm not annoyed and I don't have "an opinion of the guy," as you put it. I'm saying that the way his actions read he stands to do his wife and likely himself harm. I'm only saying that a band related message board is not the best place for the kind of advice he seems to need. I wasn't mocking him in the least. If anything I was mocking the sentiment that, "yay! you guys like wilco!! good for you!!!!1111" ie. "It's all good until fluids are exchanged." Which, as Alison pointed out really isn't the case at all. If his was a post about their mutual love of ru
  17. http://www.mikedaisey.com/2007/04/night-to-remember.sht Monologuist Mike Daisey's performance of "Invincible Summer" at ART's Zero Arrow was interrupted Thursday night when an 87-member group stood and walked out of the performance space. During the walk-out, one member of the group approached Daisey's performance table and destroyed the outline the performer uses to tell his nightly tale, Daisey told Bostonist on Friday. Daisey posted to both the ART blog and his official website on Friday with a recap of what unfolded: "I am performing the show to a packed house, when suddenly the ligh
  18. I just meant I hope the album leaks soon. Looking forward to hearing it.
  19. baseball in HD is a religious experience. edit: god damn it!
  20. I disagree with, amongst other things, your assessment of my post.
  21. I wasn't being humorous in the least. still, sad that anyone would see that as intolerant. Is truth really such a bad thing? As has been pointed out from the word go in this thread, it's pretty unlikely the mrs. would be supportive of the relationship, and it certainly comes off in writing as an emotional affair. Having spent quite a fair amount of time on relationship boards and dealing with people going through the same sort of (sounding) things they tend to be indicative of some pretty serious negative undercurrents in an marriage. Tucker needs some better advice than he seems to be gettin
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