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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I like the part where you say you aren't going to listen but keep listening. That's a good bit.
  2. I think that it's awesome that it bothers you. just don't expect anyone to care. I think when one hits 40 and realizes it's going to take a few 100k to put their kids through college and they don't have a pot to piss in a few minor commercial endeavours start to look pretty good. That you think music should be some sort of idealistic statement of self reliance and anti consumerism is your own baggage. it has no relation to the way the music industry is or ever was. historically youthful artistic idealism have always morphed into some more pragmatic and money generating form. you mention the
  3. but, it seems so is wilco and nearly everyone else as well being they can't actually make any money selling records. perhaps we should devise a gulag type system where recording artists are housed and made to create that which we can download for free. It actually boggles my mind that you care how these people make money.
  4. your ability to ascertain what is in his heart is awe aspiring. so as he has a different opinion than yours his is a joke, huh?
  5. Rollins teed off about this subject over the weekend. Worth listening to.
  6. I think ridiculously cryptic posts should be reserved for PMs or result in public floggings.
  7. in case you were wondering
  8. I think the relevant argument at the moment is if this is 'Sue's thread' or part of a greater intellectual property.
  9. where do we e-sign the agreement to keep threads on topic as determined by their creator?
  10. well do you really want a dissertation on that, or are you simply incapable of speaking without hyperbole?
  11. wow. you really don't know your ass from your elbow do you? why would I care about that?
  12. yeah. but at least he's our asshole . *reported*
  13. hey guys! I Wilco and I want the whole world to know about the boys. I'm totally pumped that VW is doing their part to spread teh music.
  14. yay! another creepy old guy with a myspace page
  15. pfffff. that's like rolling your own cigarettes.....hippie
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