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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. yeah, except that they're all juiced or doped up. it's right on par with professional wrestling. Professional cycling is a joke because you can't watch a race and know if the result is going to hold up until the lab work is done. If you think it's just a few riders ruining the sport I wonder if you mean the few who get caught? the level to which drugs in sport is misunderstood by the public Do you think that the guys pitching to Bonds are clean? and Pillowy Star great idea: get back to me when your kids are using PEDs in high school because they want to compete. Not sure if you're bein
  2. "all blond girls look a like" thanks for another racist hate-filled post
  3. did you tell it how big your rack is?
  4. actually I think it was baptize that fucking firearm.
  5. unless I'm forgetting something the scene where he was outside the kitchen window talking to Cissy is the first where what he said wasn't merely parroting what others said.
  6. The older I get, the older I think the drinking age should be.
  7. That was a documentary by David Breashear. I'm talking about the soap opera-esque made for tv movie with the same name as Krakauer's book.
  8. do they run that show without credits? I can't imagine anyone would want their name associated with that.
  9. nah. he's too famous for them now. I haven't heard hide nor hair of him. though for his sake I hope this flick is better than the everest one.
  10. kind of looks like they morphed a dark tale about an kid who didn't know his ass from his elbow into a hopeful tale of idealism.
  11. I just had that conversation with a woman in the bagel shop this week. Her to bagel guy: I got lost when I went hiking yesterday. Her: blah blah we found our way out but we were 4 miles from the car Me: they make maps, you know? Her: are you making fun of me? Me: Not so much. It's people like you who waste time of guys like me when we have to go up into the woods to find you. Campmor. They cost about $6.95
  12. http://www.wweek.com/wwire/?p=8347 Jon Krakauer gained fame for his Everest disaster chronicle Into Thin Air, but to my mind his best book was published a year earlier. Into the Wild is a haunting story of human obsession and an implacable environment: similar in mood to Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man, but more profound and a whole lot sadder. Which is why the trailer for Sean Penn's movie adaptation of Into the Wild is so strange. This is a triumphant trailer, a hopeful trailer, a trailer about discovering yourself. (The book was about discovering yourself likely to be dead.) But hey, at lea
  13. Michael Vick needs John from Cincinnati.
  14. It looks like he will play this season. Any trial probably wouldn't be for a year.
  15. That's interesting. Where ain't it?
  16. Mr Rollins is the guy who did it with Barry in room 24 when Barry was a kid.
  17. I've never been this into a TV show. To my mind this is my favorite show ever. Bobblehead if you mail back my power cord I'll tell you why.
  18. You know, I had heard you lost your topic starting privileges.
  19. we used to have a nurse with big cans post on the board, and give advice, but they chased her off.
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