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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. better stop those teenage kids from not listening to music you like, not having premarital sex, not doing drugs, and from choosing their belief systems. fuckers.
  2. looks like it will be tough to make this.
  3. there's a fairly suspicious hole in the schedule starting around October 10th. Maybe my sources are wrong.
  4. unfortunately it looks like a prior commitment may prevent my attending this event.
  5. this may be teh jersey but we don't all dress like bon jovi
  6. do you know any good hotels near the venue on the cheapish side?
  7. anyone going to this? I may actually be able to make this.
  8. You're just not looking at it right. Look at it again.
  9. I worry that other posters confuse ction and gershon
  10. funny. when I saw your thread I was going to say you should worry about your sleeping habits carry on
  11. It's ok. I don't think I'd have been able to make it anyway.
  12. For the initiated this is out there. Sounds pretty darn good to my ears
  13. rap is crap........ryan adams has hip-hop influences.......................therefore....ryan adams is crap......... ?
  14. I loved this show, though without closure it slips into utter irrelevance. It would have, and should have been a great mini series.
  15. I go uphill until there's a ringing in my ears. It sort of sounds like less than you think.
  16. hmm. Perhaps if you didn't have such meager reading comprehension skills you'd see I was saying people should move on from the public flogging of your inability to write in a manner that conforms to the most basic of grammatical rules. And for the record my first computer was a franklin ace somewhere around '82. I'm willing to bet I've got shoes older than you. One thing is for certain, Ryan Adams is less derivative as an artist than you are as a troll.
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