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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. The video shows a vicious attack on a girl in the lockeroom while other girls watch and cheer. "It's kind of awkward and scary and nerve-wracking all at the same time," said the girl who didn't want to be identified. She says the day before the attack which happened in late September the alleged attacker was looking for a fight and that the two of them were encouraged to fight by other girls. "It was all over dirty looks, which, weren't even given," she added. "They knew the night before, by bringing the camera, what they were doing," said the girl's mother, Janice Perone.
  2. Joe Torre's nose is not cursed and therefore could win a world series.
  3. The cubs are never going to win so lets count them out, shall we? That leaves 3 teams.
  4. It's a forgone conclusion that he opts out and frees texas from their obligation to that contract. Value is a weird thing and the yankees simply weren't anywhere close to the playoffs without him this year. If he's worth 15-17 million in your estimation what team is going to be willing to give him what he wants besides the Yankees? And what team has the best chance to put rings on his finger which will be the most difficult thing for him to achieve in what will be a storied hall of fame career? There's only a few teams that can pay him and I imagine there are very few teams he'd be willing to
  5. Oh I know it's good natured, but you better believe everyone in the mets organization would have preferred to play those extra four games.
  6. of anybody to laugh at the Yankees defeat it shouldn't be a mets fan. You guys should still keep your heads down for a while.
  7. and into Boston where they'd write the exact same article if he didn't go 18-20 with 14 home runs? that's the price for being one of the highest paid people on the planet. Keep wishing folks but he isn't going anywhere. Steinbrenner wants that all time home run record to be held by a yankee again.
  8. I certainly won't be staying up late to watch the games. Many of these start way past my bedtime. On Torre: I don't think he was ever coming back next year. I think the Yankees job has been Girardi's (sp?) since he turned down the Baltimore job. There's some talk that since he was tight with Zimmer Steinbrenner won't hire him, but I think that's way overrated and his success in Florida plus his obvious Yankee history wins him the job over even Mattingly.
  9. BY NEIL BEST |neil.best@newsday.com Don Imus will end his radio exile of nearly eight months by returning to the air on or about Dec. 3, filling the morning drive time slot on WABC-AM, a person familiar with the plans said Monday. Citadel Broadcasting, which owns ABC Radio, likely will announce a deal with Imus by the end of the week. He is expected to bring with him most or all of his cast from the "Imus in the Morning Show" that until April 12 was heard on WFAN and other stations around the nation. It was cancelled by CBS Radio in the wake of what many considered racially and sexually i
  10. I think you're the only one harping on that. The guy put up one of the great seasons of all time. He played on par with everyone else in the playoffs and the pitching was what unraveled them. Steinbrenner already said they're going to resign him, whether that's posturing or not we'll see soon.
  11. seems ok since that hit bunter thing was bullshit
  12. Happy birthday, Jess. Keep me posted on those party plans, I may be able to make it.
  13. Sorry, I forgot this was the just make shit up forum.
  14. ah. no wonder I could never get oink to work right.
  15. he played baseball also, didn't he?
  16. I'd still take trace over any single wilco album.
  17. depending on the beer they can be quite a lot. I used to brew before the great micro brew revolution, but then suddenly there was so much really good beer of all sorts of varieties that my lame attempts became cost prohibitive.
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