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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I think everyone will agree that you're not an ist, but a tive.
  2. I haven't seen my mother 10 times this year.
  3. Have you ever considered your way of thinking could change because of circumstances you find yourself in? I'll field that second question: no.
  4. I take morally obligated to be the movement caused by an outside force.
  5. 'morally obligated' People should help out of a movement of their hearts
  6. you grow up and you calm down start working for the clampdown
  7. The humble electrician really stuck his hand in his wallet when he was here.
  8. you're really not paying attention anymore, are you?
  9. so how many people, aside from a-rod, do you suppose directly earn their livelihood from MLB?
  10. Actually I think it's closer than you seem to think so, proportionally speaking. There are plumbers who are far superior to others. And finding that ace isn't necessarily an easy task, especially when you get into high end design kind of jobs. Same thing with auto mechanics. Lose a great English teacher and you may not replace him with anyone of nearly the same caliber, though obviously salaries there are set by contract. Look at sales job; if a company loses their ace salesperson to a competitor it could be devastating.
  11. kind of like english teachers? come on, you're better than that.
  12. d00d you miss the point....your going to get teh same 60k a year that Georger Steinbrenner, a-rod, and your sanitation man is going to get.
  13. without the ability for a big back end payday there's nothing to entice potential breakthrough discovers into the expensive and endless cycle of education to get them there. So your plan is to have the government float the note for your Utopian society?
  14. And when you start installing arbitrary caps based upon your personal sensibilities what do you suppose happens to the potential of the creativity that supports new creations and accomplishment?
  15. You make some good points. But revamping the system has to start somewhere. I propose we start now. I have a half dozen excellent 'tool rocks' and a bushel of corn that I'm willing to trade for your computer.
  16. talk about kidding youself. it's your system as well.
  17. and significantly more than the 240 I predicted
  18. dunno. I'd read Tweedy's blog before I read the blog of some athlete
  19. Sterling called in and said on a scale of 1-100 being done, it's 101.
  20. evidently the a-rod deal is done. and yeah, torre's nose is still huge. I hope he gets a zinc oxide endorsement deal out there.
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