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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. the problem with selective and slanted news is that this was the Teddy Bear she had them name.
  2. create it. preach it. perhaps some will follow you. ultimately it would become a religion though.
  3. 'we' are not whipping anyone. a small group of people are intending to. it befuddles me that you can't see how the edificie of your arguments crumble when you resort to such absurd characterizations. Buddhism has nothing to do with reincarnation, but rebirth -- which has to do with the continuation of certain consciousnesses with a primary characteristic of grasping -- what you refer to is an wholly Tibetan melding of their indigenous Bon culture, and in no way shape or form has anything to do with any core tenants the Buddha preached. In fact, he flatly refused to answer any question on th
  4. I need to go on record as having said that I'm against whipping. Unless it's my kid. In that case he probably deserved it.
  5. I actually think you can. The Buddha stated several times in the Pali scriptures not to take his word for anything, but for his followers to investigate for themselves. If you find the teachings increase peace and wisdom continue on, if not stop.
  6. actually that wasn't what I suggested but I'm all done here for now. I have to work and since you have several hundred posts on the subject and having yet been able to cobble together an argument that seems to have swayed anyone I'll check in later.
  7. and conflicts over land, water, gold, and slavery. people fight, thus us not being inherently altruistic. I think you're the one in need of a history class (while I point out you making things personal) and a philosphy class.
  8. mixed metaphors aside religion gets in trouble when people desire power. the desire for power is not an inherent aspect of the spiritual path, but a corruption of it.
  9. With hatred in ones heart, you can't see the pit of fire actually being in the here and now? I'm still wondering how we're to be more like the bononbos without a system in place to guide us towards something that isn't in our inherent nature. And if there is such a system, or lack thereof, by what means will we remove the present systems. What penalties would need to be in place for those who refuse to comply? I'm voting for concentration camps.
  10. Should we pretend we're innately and naturally compassionate in all situations like the bonobos or is it ok if we devise systems that encourage the development of that?
  11. the penis is going to take away the religion of the masses
  12. again, as in all the prior threads, I'd like to know by what passive means 'we' will take away religious freedoms.
  13. before giving out vibes willy nilly could you please let us know if this cult commune you want to join is for or against the skygod.
  14. I have never even heard of the vast majority of those artists.
  15. ok. I don't really believe you though.
  16. santana is only of interest if there's a window to sign him.
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