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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. this sounds like an identity stealing scam. you want my SS# also?
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/americas/11/...iref=newssearch
  3. I really liked how they didn't caption the names of the people talking about strummer. This has probably all been discussed though.
  4. I got to see this last night finally. It's playing at IFC in NY with the wicked sound system and cushy chairs. I thought that was an utterly fantastic movie, although admittedly I'm probably a bit biased. I had planned on seeing it with spawn, but the write-up called for drug usage and nudity so I was a bit hesitant. After seeing it now, we're going to head into the city on Friday and make a day of it.
  5. I don't think, generally, that the principles behind what either of them post are without merit. But yeah Jesus' inability to utter the 'our' word when railing against the system does come off far more accusatory than it should be. Yeah it sucks 'your' government is in the middle east the way it is, but the people are in pretty universal agreement about that so it's not exactly a revelatory position. The other guy just starts threads to argue, and then each time someone discusses something with him his position shifts to 'oh yeah, what about.?.?.?' It creeps along shifting from one argument
  6. dear jesus, as near as I can tell all you're doing to remedy the situation is living in america (like most of us) and bitching on a message board (less than many of us, although you assume us all to be heathens). please don't take this as an attack but as an invitation to explain your path.
  7. he did, didn't he? The jobs jesus is complaining about are jobs that used to be here. As more jobs get shipped off shore those countries will get more powerful and we'll have a greater division in this country between the wealthy and the poor, with the middle drying up. Health care will become wholly unaffordable, social security will crash and china will become the most powerful nation on earth, wages will rise and ultimately they'll be using a disproportionate amount of the world's resources.
  8. your reading comprehension either leaves something to be desired or you're doing an incredibly poor job of trying to make a point. How does that make me content only worrying about my family, or that I consider my life more valuable? and? ostensibly I should have been born, or at least moved somewhere else like you did. that's some bang up logic.
  9. That I'm content only worrying about my family, for one. That I consider my life more valuable, for two.
  10. ha. you don't really know anything about me or what I do, do you? considering I earn somewhere just north of little to nothing I suspect I may be one of 'these people.' you make it seem like being happy simply feeding your family is a bad thing. We're losing all the jobs you're talking about because of the american dream (And no one wants to pay $100 for a tier curtain). And i'm pretty sure all the customer service reps in India are pretty happy about.
  11. you neglect to consider the cost of real estate, energy (one of the most expensive portions of manufacturing), and raw materials all of which are cheaper is less developed nations. why? well because we all want to be paid like, well, ball players. In a country where the guy working the back end of a print frame is happy being able to buy some goat meat for his family, wages stay at a rate that is proportional to the the value of the goods being made. the issue of minimum wage doesn't really cover it though, as, well fuck, they don't get paid minimum wage. people flipping burgers in high schoo
  12. I gotta get popcorn for this one. Please explain offshore manufacturing to me sensei.
  13. Museums are cool, halls of fame (and award shows) are fucking stupid.
  14. I'm not so sure that's true. The rule may well be 'failing a drug test adminstered by MLB,' which he doesn't seem to have done.
  15. The Mitchell report is likely to shift people's view on things.
  16. Sounds like Jeter is going to jail as well. A-rod can slide back to short, and clearly the Lowell deal is intended to fill the hole at third.
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