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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I think the waffles thing is a hoax. I haven't heard of anybody actually being on there.
  2. Moe's is pretty darn good 'mexican.' Plus they give you chips and have a bar with awesome salsa.
  3. Not the superfan you thought you were, huh?
  4. dear mother of god http://www.acaloriecounter.com/fast-food.php
  5. I never eat this stuff. what's the least healthy thing on any of these menus? I'm going for it today.
  6. yeah, I just like books. there are hosts of sites that offer Buddhist books online for free, yet I still seek out printed copies. I like browsing my shelves and looking for marks I made in them. I find reading things on the screen to range from outright weird to just not very fun. Perhaps this gadget offers a somewhat different experence, but companies have been trying for years to get a delivery system like this to stick at market and they haven't yet seemed to pull it off. Sounds like a good idea for text books, but I suspect the acutal reading to still be a better experience with the real d
  7. I have a DVD player for those.
  8. audio books: now there's some seriously stupid stuff
  9. So your contention would be that ballplayers are different than all the athletes in all the other sports with far more stringent testing standards?
  10. clearly designed by the same people who engineered the destruction and cover up of the trade towers
  11. it's always hard to tell with you...you do get I was being sarcastic?
  12. so what are the chances something new will be added here that doesn't just justify a link to the old trainwreck thread?
  13. lol, was it? there was some classic scott howard stuff then.
  14. remember that one dude who used to post this stuff?
  15. yeah, just like in the tour de france and the olympics you get out much? you sound like the kind of guy who may have bought a bridge or two over the years.
  16. That you're high? No, I absolutely agree with that. However, PED usage has gone up continually over the years. And since what historical peroid have youngins had the foward thinking to worry about stuff like the future?
  17. But he's not 'the key' figure. He's being made out to be the key figure by virtue of his accomplishments. Is someone who took as much shit but didn't break any records less guilty? No one is saying Bonds shouldn't be held accountable, but so should everyone else and that isn't happening yet. Until that happens it's a mission to get one guy and that's hard to play off as fair.
  18. The problem is in the witch hunt mentality, and the collective sigh that will breathed when they finally get him mentally signifying the end of the steroid era when in fact nothing at all would have changed.
  19. yeah, and therein lies the problem. The testing employed by MLB is a joke. Only an absolute jackass could fail that test. Top athletes in a myriad of sports with far more stringent testing frequently avoid detection. Going after Bonds gives them a high profile impression that they are doing something. Face it, they're not even getting him on their own testing but on a federal perjury charge. This, frankly, sets the whole steroid issue back instead of actually advances it. Here's hoping the Mitchel report is a who's who of top players and someone will finally be able to address the issue in a w
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