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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. mad libs! her ______________ was so big it was a security risk
  2. clearly the warden discovered that sometimes an easy lay is more annoying than easy.
  3. the weight ~ ten mile grace
  4. they have it slotted for 90 minutes, though the run time seems to be 65 minutes.
  5. under 40 posts one should just shut and watch. respect your elders. they know the way to message board magic.
  6. no worries, mate, the yankees are coming.
  7. jesus maryann joseph it is not like the yankees were getting it done in the post season and A-rod poured water on the whole team. the entire team sucked. why? they had no pitching. sooner or later everyones' offense gives out for a bit and if the pitching stay can't weather that storm it's over. the yankee pitching staff can't weather any storm. it was awful. is still awful. and will remain awful. the starters are mostly old and broken. mussina's career is finished. the bull pen is an utter train wreck. even mariano is showing signs of being done. there's one guy who holds responsibili
  8. some cycling one that has big play with the Floyd Landis hearings
  9. or you'd be the supreme ruler....hard to say
  10. there's an entire forum devoted to discussing moderator actions. it's the crazy thing I've been a part of on the interweb.
  11. are you lobbying to be a moderator? I'm part of another community where the mods make those oink guys look like wimps. They regularly suspend members, attempt to (pretend, at least) to make members adhere to some journalistic certainty when making posts, and constantly edit and delete posts. Any mention of politics is itself likely to lead to a smack down. Even funner is when the mods publicly disagree with one another. so I'm voting for that. I vote for Bjorn.
  12. isn't 256 overkill? I always thought the 192 aac was good enough
  13. jeepers. do you even like this team?
  14. cut the guy a break...he was hitting hot hookers the night before and by all reports it was a 4 seasons, and not a Holiday Inn Express.
  15. what a ridiculous argument. the cubs will never win a title
  16. [a-rod rant] I'm not sure where the A-rod stuff comes from but again, he's not going anywhere. Not this season. Not next. Not the year after. This is most likely the last team he ever plays for, until at which point he just flat out sucks but missed the memo. The yankees are not going to let go one of the best players of all time, because without a cap in place they simply have no reason to ever do that. For anyone who think he can't play in NY perhaps you should actually watch him play in NY....he's ummm sort of getting it done. On post season numbers.....This was the knock against Bonds a
  17. I was hoping for 50 pages, but this is getting pretty weak. Anyone know how many pages the spiders thread went?
  18. isn't this thread evidence that VW inspires hate as well?
  19. I don't think it's possible to sell out if you flat out suck. take whatever you can get.
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