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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. 88 professors signed a letter condemning them. Sure. I'd be doing handsprings to go back.
  2. I might be missing your intention, but you're not comparing al sharpton to MLK are you?
  3. if they can afford to pay for that sort of defense there must be more where that came from. pricks. and they got off!
  4. considering the present attempt to merge XM and Sirrius that's a pretty unlikely scenario.
  5. kind of cool how we can still talk about white men in universal terms. 'those people' on the financial note I must admit I missed the public posting of the lacrosse players' parents' tax returns, as well as the documentation of the trust funds set up for the players. I also missed the conversations that went on in their homes where their parents lent their unconditional support and trust, or doubted the innocence of their children.
  6. I wish I had a crystal ball like that, but I don't know that to be fact.
  7. These guys were actually kicked off the team, and out of school. While that need not have lifelong impact on where they end up, it's extremely callous to say that because they're white and went to an expensive school they'll end up ok. Shoe on a different colored foot and the outrage would be off the charts. I know that if I were 20, wrongly accused in a case with huge national exposure that it would have lasting psychological impact. Yeah, in the end it did not end up with them in jail, but their lives have been under intense scrutiny. while it's true that their names will be forgotten and th
  8. it really is a circus. why does anyone need to take those two seriously? shit, what are they going to move those mid day idiots to the morning? this really sucks on a lot of levels.
  9. I've listened to Howard since about 81 or something. I lost interest somewhere after his divorce when he was no longer permitted to talk about his marriage or the divorce process. Not sure how I got into Imus, being a Howard listener, but sometime during the first Clinton candidacy I started beaming in for the interviews. Generally I'd rather hear pundits and politicians than strippers, although admittedly there may not be much of a difference. While all these guys cross the line I thought the O&A stunt to be totally over the line. When it happened my reaction was pretty visceral...not the
  10. interesting, still most who tuned in were doing so via the radio, eh? I'm listening to Oberman on espn radio now, and despite beating his chest in support of Imus for the past few days, he's totally selling him out now. Really weak. MSNBC did in fact can imus the night before the radio-thon.
  11. he is still on. it's just not simulcast on TV which got basically no ratings anyway.
  12. dude, I was 13. I didn't pick the show
  13. Kiss - Destroyer not sure on the concert though it was undoubtedly something at Saratoga while in camp...Marshall Tucker, James Taylor or Linda Ronstadt
  14. it's just comical that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are getting all the face time, and on a day where the charges against the Duke players were dropped. Jesse Jackson today: "You can not compare me referring to New York as Hymietown to what Amos said. The media can not be a con do it for that sort of thing." these guys leverage racial disharmony for wholly opportunistic gain and their kind of divisive speech is totally on par with the rest of it.
  15. It also gave him huge exposure for his charities and he's been consistently a serious power in political interviews.
  16. that should go in the FAQ!
  17. I'd like to thank you all for nothing I'd like to thank you all for nothing at all I'd like to thank you all for nothing Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all
  18. If a pinned topic falls in the woods does it make a sound?
  19. kind of. if you want to purchase it legally and you can't do it through hbo or itunes logic would dictate that you're SOL.
  20. in order! A.M. Demos Summerteeth Demos YHF Demos YHF engineer demos SBS Demos
  21. we should totally shop for outdoor furniture together.
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