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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Beltmann you are unquestionably the best poster to ever grace this board.
  2. While their overall catalogue is better than Jay's, I still think trace is better than any single wilco album.
  3. the first rule of oink is you don't talk about oink
  4. noted. and I'm sure that with an attitude like that people will get right on that for you
  5. I meant year. as in like it's been way more than a couple of years since the whole wait around for the leak thing has been going on.
  6. when did AGIB come out? seems that leaked via the internet, as did its predecessor. The Utopian age you refer to is getting further and further in the distant past.
  7. do you treat oink like fight club?
  8. yours was not the 'it leaked' post I had hoped it to be
  9. you should probably take out the LP then, eh?
  10. I'm surprised to say so, but it's a really good album. A song about meth with slide work makes it aces in my book.
  11. I'd say it's so far and away better as to not even merit discussion.
  12. there's a burrito shop in bar harbor maine that has a subscription to that magazine. when i go up there for vacation in the summers i read the year's back issues. spawn's a big fan of burritos
  13. While i hear the whole bigger is better argument I'd posit a different point of view. Firstly, HD based players are inherently flawed in that HDs have a limited lifespan. Personally I've yet to see a HD based iPod live longer than 2 years. The spawn's just died (under two years) and he really doesn't even use it all that much. My new philosophy on iPods is buy the cheapest one possible with as close to capacity you really need. They're disposable and the whole latest and greatest philosophy only lands a more expensive unit in the landfill once its Steve Jobs determined lifespan is up. The nan
  14. unless this has leaked you guys are stupid stinky heads
  15. as suggested your best bet is to try and get it hardwired in. While the iTrip may work, sometimes it doesn't, and in my experience it's very bad in the capital district. as in major static. In fact, it's the main reason I got the ideck or whatever it's called. my frequent trips through your fine area had my scrambling for radio stations because the itrip signal kept getting stepped on.
  16. do you have a tape deck? if so, this works great http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/smartdeck/
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