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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. the prevailing theme around here is that kids with mom's like this are better off without them....oh wait, weren't you in that camp
  2. someone want to put that into english?
  3. once i fill my new 500 gb LaCie I'm done. That's what I keep telling myself
  4. it's still 1/3 - 1/4 of the flac size, no? I rip at 192 aac (vbr), and while I can hear the difference, I can live with it to fit more files. personal choice. or the result of too many hardcore shows. or just preferring shitty music.
  5. oh god no. while i'm sure there are plenty of things out there at 128kbs, most things leak at fairly high VBR ratees. what, like 75 - 100 mb per album?
  6. I am missing something that doesn't make this one of the stupidest ideas ever?
  7. amazing set list. but why did you guys steal the door off a police car
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/02/18/lunch...=rss_topstories
  9. (AP) -- In 2005, when government scientists tested 60 soft, vinyl lunchboxes, they found that one in five contained amounts of lead that medical experts consider unsafe -- and several had more than 10 times hazardous levels. But that's not what they told the public. Instead, the Consumer Product Safety Commission released a statement that they found "no instances of hazardous levels." And they refused to release their actual test results, citing regulations that protect manufacturers from having their information released to the public. That data was not made public until The Associated
  10. there's no possible way you missed the sarcasm in that. someone take away the guy's internet license.
  11. isn't the obvious answer that tapers spend more time and money? actually the pros assume that people getting lossy versions of studio stuff will entice them to buy CDs and see shows.
  12. funny, where I'm from shaving ones head is a sign of sanity
  13. do any bands have trading policies that mention preferred formats? getting bands behind the tapers on this would probably help enlighten people at least.
  14. and it's cool that they preserve history in this way, albeit a bit obsessive compulsive at times. still if others prefer smaller, more manageable formats it still doesn't prevent anyone from being a preserver of history. the BT communities mentioned are so utterly anal, that the whole 'pollute the trading argument' doesn't really pass muster as transcoded or inferior recordings are going to be called out and result in suspensions or bannings. it seems that there are really two sorts of people being talked about, and for the most part their paths won't really effect the others enough to justify
  15. that's a good one look again that's good to hear.
  16. totally agree. that's why I said generally.
  17. isn't it odd that the moral lessons on right and wrong formats are coming from communities generally dedicated to illegally trading music?
  18. it's interesting how he can read all our collective minds. freaky even.
  19. I thought it was about the WTC coming down
  20. Fred was better in trenchmouth John Belushi just rolled over in his grave.
  21. does anyone have a spare invite or advice on when they open registration?
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