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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. the guy was a distraction in is own election. how could one imagine he wouldn't muck up the works in another?
  2. actually I maintain that your assertion that I'm spinning for the RNC to be a personal attack of the highest magnitude. Therefore, in my view you started it. I made my point. You simply didn't agree with it. Since that doesn't conform to your meager view of what a democrat is you resorted to tossing caliber and I out of the party. the fact is you have things ass over tea kettle backwards.
  3. I think I'm going to report myself and see what happens
  4. you're too stupid to post here. graham as a moderator you should step up and either ban me for making a personal attack or rid wilco fans from this insanity.
  5. because I said so. actually he doesn't have a point....what exactly would I be spinning as a far left democrat? it's stupid beyond words.
  6. you're really a fucking asshole
  7. word. it would be nice if we could look at this as a sign of how utterly lost the democratic party is and use it as an impetus for change. that Kerry has defenderss is clearly indicative that our politcial system is fucked up beyond repair.
  8. I'd like to go on record as saying if I get one more godfersaken recorded message on my home phone from a democratic candidate I'm voting republican, political positions be damned
  9. you guys aren't trying very hard Volkswagen Cars To Feature First Act Guitars Paul Westerberg October 03, 2006, 2:00 AM ET Wes Orshoski, N.Y. Burgeoning guitar maker First Act and auto giant Volkswagen have struck a deal through which new VW customers will receive a brand new six-string that is playable through the car's stereo system. Through the end of the year, drivers who buy or lease specialized versions of six VW cars (Jetta, Jetta GLI, GTI, Rabbit, New Beetle and New Beetle Convertible) will be handed a First Act GarageMaster electric guitar. Each axe will feature
  10. since the guys from fountains of wayne started making music together in '86 I'm thinking that 15 year litmus test might be a bit too arbitrary to be of any practical and lasting purpose. For instance, I doubt we'll be using it 15 years from now.
  11. that's sort of ironic because you've complained at length about people not paying attention to opening acts in the past.
  12. mine was a 1970 in yellow. the accelator cable used to snap, one time notably while on the way to see van hagar. my buddy and i scrambled into a ravine and scrounged up some pieces of rope which we tied to the accelator thingie in the rear. he used the string to give us gas while I drove and shifted.
  13. While Gandhi clearly would have laid out the guy in Springfield out, he surely would have allowed Spiders its original and natural glory
  14. happy birthday pal, though I suspect M. Chris is browsing her admin tools figuring out how to move this to the RTT forum
  15. not in my america yeah I know. just saying that just because they're not on there doesn't mean that they don't exisit, and likewise just because they're on there doesn't really give all the circumstances of their conviction
  16. there's been three recent arrests right in my area but they don't show up on there.
  17. considering the amount of pervs who like to take advantage of kids I'm guessing far less than you'd think.
  18. do you have the johnny dowd/jim white hellwood disc?
  19. i don't agree. and I doubt a-rod or the yankee front office agrees.
  20. someone put together a deal to trade a-rod for pitchers of a comparable caliber. and then get a-rod to agree to the go. the stove is cold bitches!
  21. at like 100 bucks a crack not very many maybe it was a spike in season tickets sales. whatever the case was they made a point of it at the time that the guy paid for the first year of his contract within days. in any case the idea that he will or should go else where is silly. it isn't going to happen. not with texas picking up a large portion of his inflated contract.
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