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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I just like writing 'whore' I guess someone had said hearst left because he didn't want to war with Al, which I took as a sign of fear/weakness. Although I suppose that's speculation of sorts. I may have missed the line about leaving for a mining claim and for the life of me I still can't figure why no one besides Trixie (whore ) decided to put a cap in his ass. and with all the fire arms kicking around that town she uses a pea shooter and stil misses all vitals from point blank range. It would have been a better tale had EB done the deed and then used his new found heroism to try and b
  2. when i was in school and it snowed we had to pull the plows with harnesses so as not to miss our exams
  3. the spawn is spending the week at camp in the Bronx zoo. Apparently I am now required by virtue of parenthood to consume shade grown coffee. "Daddy, you don't want to drink the animals' habitat do you?" So who makes shade grown coffee that tastes great and doesn't cost a fortune? Oh, and there are monkeys in his class room. carlos says they probably keep their glasses away for bedtime reading
  4. i still don't get the episode. if hearst left because he didn't want to go to war with Al, why would Al kill the whore, which was a sign of weakness? Not sure I've been so confused by a show since twin peaks
  5. I hold wookies responsible for her three screen names. that guy should be flogged in the public square.
  6. that's whack. territory ahead used to make a shirt out of that check fabric. best shirt I ever owned
  7. I believe he was pointing out that the eyes are doing similar things in all those pics
  8. gershon: 'look at me. I listen to the cure and I'm all goth and shit. life sure does suck' queer eye for the ction guy: i'd respond to you right now, but i'm smearing my lipstick
  9. I'm glad I see you so infrequently that meeting your friends isn't required
  10. I just don't want to sign up for any new tv shows...not saying that the other shows mentioned aren't good or anything.
  11. i can't until I catch the missing 15 minutes of deadwood, and 1/2 of entourage
  12. I thought he was running these days
  13. it seems like everyone forgets jeff backstage talking about holes where the music should be I'll take Dylan, Tweedy solo and live, blonde on blonde, and when it comes to meeting rockstars I'll sneak out of the parking lot early making a bee-line for an earlier bed time.
  14. honestly I don't care. in my view she would need to turn water into wine to make up for the crap she fills the airwaves with. I mean, come on, she's responsible for Dr. Phil.
  15. agreed....way better. My house is an 'A' which leads to a whole piss pot of confusion. I once had to argue with a customer service rep about a delivery that I lived in a house and not an apartment. 'No seriously, I have my own front door and everything.'
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