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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I'm reading a book on dating (comedy--- duh) that is written by a man and a woman....sharing persepctives on the same situations. Think mars versus venus without the ghey. most of the book centers on the things that trigger the break up response in both sexes. just saying
  2. that sort of individuality should really help raise your stock in the dating pool
  3. it seems that when you're fast and guys want you to ride for their team they'll do things like loan you thier $8,000 tandems so you can ride with your kid
  4. my trusty companion is telling me the now lost and priceless special action figure came packaged with this guy needles and haystacks and stuff. I am Quioxte chasing internet windmills on a rainy day.
  5. what wrestler had lip prints on the butt of his tights?
  6. if you're stupid enough to fuck your students, particularly if they're underaged you're too stupid to not be in jail. certainly you're not smart enough to teach. seriously.
  7. as much as I'm a total fanboy that first ted leo album seems weird for the sake of weird and not in a the hot chick dying her hair fuschia way.
  8. with a roughly 50% national divorce rate that makes sense, no?
  9. interestingly enough, the bad stuff doesn't last either. ever.
  10. why do you always have to try and start trouble?
  11. ever consider what a rodan sized dump would be like? that shit would fuck you up
  12. the mysterious count down has me wondering who happens in 6 days
  13. and you have too many. you guys should couple up!
  14. how much did WITHIK pay you to post this?
  15. letter from my isp saying that they did not release my personal informationl, but were requested by the copyright holder to take 'appropriate' action against me. seemingly said email is appropriate action.
  16. so does she have a multiplicity of new user names like BBH?
  17. huh. does she have a user name, or did she quit like deni and crowjack? clearly I miss more around here than I follow.
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