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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. truth. though honestly not nearly as good as m. chris kissing gershon's balls.
  2. these are better. fuck that epo using wanna be bono dude
  3. fortitude aside I may or may not be getting a testicle lopped off today
  4. OK, so here is the delusional idea again that I'm attacking you and then all you do is call me names and accuse me of being naive and idiotic. I called bullshit on the statement that there is no good way to get to that neighborhood on the CTA and that you wouldn't suggest that anyone do it. I merely pointed out the way that it is easily done as I have done it literally hundreds of times. That includes many times late at night as I used to go to the New Apartment. You have a difference of opinion, that's fine. But the idea that I am naive about that neighborhood is ridiculous, as I already said
  5. nice try to deflect the overwhelming need for a return of the bethany character
  6. awesome. you will not catch fire if you spell the word worst case, go with a *
  7. agreed. me too! as retribution I think m. chris should be forced to resurrect her bethanydear alias
  8. ummm not for nuthin' but he's only costing the yankees 15 million a year and based on his MVP last year and the fans he put in the seats he's earned that money. texas is the one that's getting raped.
  9. , yeah all those metal guys in the 80s were geniuses
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