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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. how does one get to be a power user without sending cash?
  2. inaccurate, perhaps, but right now I'd still take it
  3. Profile Options zebulon A Cherry Ghost Member Group: Validating
  4. agreed. i hate burning ratio for something I'm just going to convert to an iPod friendly format
  5. and the fact that good sounds emanate from her voice is a bonus
  6. last time someone had more than one birthday thread bad things happened
  7. I am. There's more to this and I suspect mom or dad or some family member will be implicated in some way.
  8. same comment if you don't know where your 6 year old is you fucked up
  9. I forget the nuances of some of this stuff, but wasn't she 6 at time? 6 and alone at home or something? the whole thing continues to smell fishy to me.
  10. Jedis must have a low divorce rate. I now know where I went wrong
  11. anyone have a jpeg of sean handy?
  12. i was told that if i didn't get those music blocks for my kid I was a bad parent and he'd never get into a good prep school.
  13. i'll dig through our old stuff and see if we have any of the extra cartridges still. PM if we do
  14. first rule of fight club is never talk about fight club
  15. you should see that sunshine flick. not only did they endorse that idea but also brought up the perspective that as one begins to age there's nothing wrong with snorting a little H now and again.
  16. that's why you have kids, dude. they get to finish your life's work
  17. who is getting married this time?
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