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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. Fountains of Wayne 491 Route 46, Wayne, NJ 07470 (973) 256-1552 customerserv@fountainsofwaynenj.com STORE HOURS Mon-Sat 9am-9pm Sunday 10am-6pm Ask for our on-line specialist
  2. and like in sports with more stringent testing policies, as athletes stand to get caught more emphasis will be placed on masking agents so as to not get caught. it doesn't end cheating they just cheat better.
  3. no. my personal opinion is that most of them have
  4. this guy took testosterone. so based on your 'what they look like' standard clearly Griffey was always clean
  5. It's fine if you want to post pictures. it's still an irrelevant argument as it's not based on anything rooted in reality.
  6. diet bloats you. drugs don't. they don't work that way. plus there are a plethora of steroids that do vastly different things. Ben Johnson wasn't bloated and he was juiced to the gills. Ditto Floyd Landis.
  7. ok, so who was the best hitter of the generation and how do you know he wasn't on steroids?
  8. Lance Armstrong is no Eddie Merckx
  9. I think the more valid argument is in comparing this generation against others.
  10. the flaw in your argument is that there is an equal or greater number of pitchers using the same substances, thus providing a theoretical leveling (or total tilting) of the playing field. if you disallow Bonds, who has never actually failed a test, I contend that you should basically chose an arbitrary cut off year and shut down admission to the hall. Lets say we kick out everyone after Ripkin....but wait, all those games....it's possible, no.....
  11. are you maybe the one guy who has the out of print first chad rex disc? can't locate a copy at all.
  12. for as long as I can recall it has been
  13. I don't get it. Ben and Jerry's was somehow better?
  14. I believe the drummer was twirling Rocky's hair
  15. well this was fun. back lurking the music forum. sedar time and family stuff. ryan, sorry to get you all worked up. not my intention. the post I was responding to had you saying that Jay needed to let it go so as to not prevent an eventual Tupelo reunion. which i was just trying to say assumed certain things.
  16. wtf are you talking about? I'm not even remotely talking about you WEEN ROCKS
  17. that was a hypothetical methinks you need to expand your conception of moving on. That Jay doesn't want to be in a band with Jeff doesn't necessarily mean he's walks around thinking about this all the time. my point was not about the wonders of not forgiving people . sometimes there's no reason to back to the past to redo things you did already and didn't work out so well on the interpersonal level. you're positing your conception of forgiveness and moving on onto others lives. I'm saying that while that may be the particular sequence of things that work for you, the world and the people wh
  18. I don't even know what you're talking about. You understand I wasn't actually there and am neither Jay nor Jeff?
  19. if a friend of mine hit on my GF who I subsequently married I can't envision a scenario where we would be friends again at a later date. Particularly if on some level my wife was uncomfortable with it . For you to say who should be ok with what as regards people's emotions and personal lives is a bit too judgmental for my tastes.
  20. but why was it ok for Jeff to talk about it? Maybe after 12 years of people asking when the band's getting back together eventually you go, 'you know, the guy hit on my GF (now wife) so I think we'll all just move past that and do our own thing.' shrug. what do I know. there are people I was friends with in HS or college that I wouldn't want to be friends with again because of things that happened. That isn't to say that they haven't grown, or I haven't, or that what happened is in any way relevant anymore but that somethings you just don't need to go back to. That's not hanging on to stu
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