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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. ha! thanks. need to book mark that one
  2. link? I have no idea what we're talking about
  3. it's interesting how he'd riding the coat-tails of my good name onto the attention superhighway
  4. an obama/hillary ticket would be awesome, me thinks, cause shit would hit the fan huge. but I can't imagine a scenario where that ticket could actually win a national election.
  5. a 48 year old guy with a my space page is the creepiest thing I've heard today
  6. that's what I figured as well, though I considered perhaps my personal dislike of her could be skewing my opinion.
  7. do you think Hillary would have a better shot at winning than Gore?
  8. craft is done by amateurs and kids, and art is declared by the self important?
  9. that's some whack shit, dude, sorry. I have known a couple of people who have killed themselves and it's a gravely perplexing thing. in high school a classmate/neighbor of my friends and mine killed himself with seemingly no explanation other than he had gotten misguided. but to echo what you said this sort of thing can become a blessing as others use it an impetus to stay more in tune with one another.
  10. I guess now we find out who didn't read Sue's birthday thread!
  11. all due respect to old guy's like louie and a-man, that's pretty darn old. may you all live well to 120
  12. thanks. the torrent didn't have the credits so it wasn't clear. and with that this bit is done. no one bought the name
  13. it's playing around the corner from me at this place big old time theater complete with the organ. I see most things they play here, but I can't seemed to get reved up for this. Maybe like Louie I'm just not ready.
  14. the next thread is even better..... do I get the plastic nut or not? stay tuned!
  15. sticking with the men/coffee metaphors is that the blackzilla of coffee?
  16. I'd assume that auctioning off a screen name would indicate that the primary purpose was as a joke. anyway, the thread was just started the other day and being that I spent the day having my sack fondled by the doc I had a bit more spare time on my hands today than I had intended.
  17. did deadwood end with the saying of grace?
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