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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. Hell, I thought it was about Regina Spector!
  2. Well, MAY ain't IS, pal o' mine.
  3. This is my definition of the tenth circle of Hell
  4. We're actually two away. Level 4+1=5.
  5. I want the swine flu now. Just because of this post.
  6. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of at least one act of sexual harassment every single day. I've never had a complaint against me, which just proves that I'm doing it right.
  7. Kingpin is far better.
  8. I don't think so. Egypt is one of only a handful of Muslim countries that even allow pork in their borders. Edit: This pig slaughtering thing was what I was talking about before. When paranoia hits and they start killing the livestock, there goes the farmers. And outside of outfits like Smithfield, smaller pig farms are pretty important.
  9. You think we're over-reacting?! Egypt Slaughters Entire Pig Population Granted, its a Muslim country and there aren't millions of them, but boy, that's one way to go. (Although we are way passed worrying about it from pigs now).
  10. I thought the dinosaurs were all wiped out by that big hole in New Mexico.
  11. If Pitchfork were a guy, instead of a little French girl, I would punch him.
  12. I hope House can figure this out.
  13. And he's going to jail for murder? That's craz..what's that? Not the same...oh, oops.
  14. "Ain't No Top Forty Song"-Terry Allen
  15. They just did what they said can't be done
  16. There's also something to be said for doing a little research and buying local. Almost every community has an adjoining farming base. Or one within reasonable distance. Edit: Not to make this into a farming thread, but they are related.
  17. Swine flu traced to manure lagoons Its a pretty sad story. There's been stories about Smithfield being a pretty disgusting company for a while.
  18. Verlander actually won a game. The Yankees look terrible. Verlander actually won a game. The Yankees look terrible.
  19. Has anyone mentioned Sweet Relief? I don't know if it would apply, but it might be an option. Sweet Relief
  20. I'd say Animal Collective if I knew what the hell they were saying.
  21. Nudie...Panther...grab yer bats. You're up!
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