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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. I'm going to write the great merkin novel.
  2. Here's the Hamtramck Lizards Myspace Page Hamtramck Lizards
  3. As I recall, that movie was made by a hipster. (And that scene with the roaches behind the picture still freaks me out)
  4. Unlike last year, the Tigers seem to have some offense to help out their pitchers. Maybe it is just bad luck.
  5. I would bet midwest this fall. But I'm alright to wait for winter or next spring even. Its going to be a full summer anyway.
  6. I think the Motown media can stop using the word "ace" associated in any way with Justin Verlander.
  7. I'm hoping for a stop in Detroit around 10KLF.
  8. Kirk Hammett-A.V. Club Interview Its mostly about the new video game, but there's a little at the end about the HOF and vinyl.
  9. Nirvana or Dino is pretty clear for me, although I certainly enjoy both. There just no topping Cobain's hooks or that howl of a voice.
  10. Hell, I didn't even come close to understanding it.
  11. We have spies, don't we? Clandestine operations to ferret out plots and suspected terrorists. If the intelligence communities in this country had not been in competition instead of cooperation before 9/11 it probably would have been thwarted. They seem to be working pretty well now. I don't think the intelligence apparatuses are ever going to come out and say "Dude's, we totally caught this guy heading to Omaha and here's how we did it."
  12. New album info from Gene: GENE CHECKS IN! Date: March 27 ...We've also been recording our first New Studio Album in 11 years!!!. Produced by Paul Stanley. And, having Paul simply decide things, works better. Democracy is highly overrated. Paul is kickin' ass. The material sounds great and Tommy and Eric are in great form. We have 4 tunes recorded. If you're a fan of our stuff from about 1977, you'll feel right at home. All of us have taken up the songwriting call to arms in the same spirit we once did -- without a care in the world and without outside writers. Nothing to prove to anyo
  13. If the Lions do pick Stafford, which is a mistake, I think they'll have to start him. At least somewhere in the season. There's going to be bloody murder screamed in this town if they don't. In fact, the idea that they are going to draft him first is pretty unpopular around here. The Lions brass said yesterday they want whoever its going to be signed by the end of the week, so there's no tomfoolery. That said, it should be Curry for the Lions.
  14. The Fridge not doing so hot.
  15. In the "Book of Rock Lists" in the list of greatest live albums this is the entry for # 20: Kiss "Alive"-Fuck you, its great.
  16. Since the Hall of Fame discussion I've been listening to them quite a bit. And they're great. The KISS Army KISS Wikipedia Page KISS Asylum KISS FAQ
  17. Fresh Air-J.G. Ballard I think its from 1988, but its really good.
  18. Treat me like a fool, Treat me mean and cruel, But love me (leiber/stoller-by way of Elvis)
  19. Week 2 Playoff Projections I still don't think I understand these things.
  20. Wouldn't the term "classic" imply that, no matter the time period, it held up. That it could be listened to in any context and still be great? I don't think of any Led Zeppelin album in the context of what it meant at the time it was released.
  21. I think it has more to do with his voice than anything else. And that's something J. Mascis never had.
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