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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. I have: Guitars: '99 American Strat Gibson SG Mid-80's Eko '75 Yamaha G-50A Classical Mid-80's Fender Bullet Bass (since discontinued) Amps: Fender Blues Deville 4X10 Marshall 30 watt signed by Jim Marshall Mid-70's Fender "Fuzzy" Amp Pedals: Boss TU-2 Boss DD-6 Boss DS-2 Boss BF-3 Boss PH-3 Ibanez Tube Screamer Dunlop Crybaby Digitech Whammy
  2. If there is any left I would love one.
  3. I just called 1-866-NeonBible and I left a message it was so weird!
  4. Yeah I posted that a while ago about Walken being a very good album opener. Couldn't you just see that badass piano riff to start off the album? What Light to end the album is a no brainer I think.
  5. Thanks for another good 20 page webcast thread. Goodnight.
  6. ITMWLY wow this show is getting pretty long eh.
  7. Time for Dreamer In My Dreams and Acuff-Rose unplugged.
  8. Oh no lol. "Skip" said New Madrid would come next but then he played Radio King.
  9. Wilco is the best band to their fans. No other band does at all while Wilco does it once a tour! Here's the New Madrid "skip".
  10. Yeah good call F*ckYinz. Way to bear down on the "woo-hoo-heyyyy" part Charlottesville.
  11. Yeah I think it is the first tour it's been played solo. HEAVY METAL DRUMMER NEXT.
  12. Wheres the singing along! You gotta bear down Charlottesville!
  13. FREEBIRD! lol you hear someone say that at EVERY SINGLE Wilco show.
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