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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. I downloaded Wirecast and it's not doing anything so I think we just get audio.
  2. Searchin fooooorrrr a heart of moOoOoOoOooOuld.
  3. I have a Wii and I love it. I have Zelda and Call Of Duty, but Wii Sports definately gets played the most. I just wish Golf was better on it.
  4. Yeah I have a Mac but you can download for PC too, go to Download Now and it's there.
  5. Yeah that's the impression I got too "liileric". I just downloaded Wirecast so we'll see what happens!
  6. Nah you don't need anything just go on wilcoworld.net and you'll see it and you can listen right from there!
  7. And we need to predict the next song! That's always a bundle of fun.
  8. I'm making a big bowl of popcorn tonight lol.
  9. Yeah that guitar is in Sunken Treasure too. I believe it's just another Santa Cruz 000 but more beat up.
  10. Tomorrow Never Knows, it was light years ahead of it's time.
  11. Did anyone watch the music video!?!?!?!?!?!?!! This quite possibly the funniest yet distrubing website I have ever been on!
  12. I've never heard of One By One being played on a twelve string but I know Hesistating Beauty and What Light have been played on one. Jeff also uses this guitar on Heavy Metal Drummer. But here's a picture of it.
  13. On all those songs he uses a Santa Cruz 000.
  14. That was great! Punchy bassss.
  15. Ooook Photobucket is being nice again. Here's Nels' Jaguar (thanks AWOL) with the stickers all over it. Here's the blue SG Jeff uses on The Late Greats. Here's the 12 String Jerry Jones in action. This is the 12 string that Jeff plays on Heavy Metal Drummer with Wilco and on a few other songs solo. I believe it's a Martin. I have a great picture of Jeff and this beat up Tele and I have Nels playing the Double Cutaway Les Paul. Photobuucket decided to work for a while then quit on me lol. Also if someone got any pictures of Wilco playing Is That The Thanks I Get? on Conan
  16. John sounds really mellow.
  17. I have a couple more really good pictures of their gear but photobucket is being ridiculous.
  18. To solve the contreversy about Nels' Danelectro thing here's another picture of it so somone could identify it. It's a 12 string. This SG Jeff plays on Jesus Etc, ALTWYS and a few others.
  19. Here's the other Jazzmaster Nels plays, can't really remember which songs but IATTBYH sticks out for some reason. And for good measure.
  20. On the songs where Pat plays guitar (I'm A Wheel, Impossible Germany, Handshake Drugs) he plays this Tele. Or this one which I believe is Jeff's because I believe Jeff plays it on "Pot Kettle Black" in the IATTBYH bonus disk. Pat also plays this acoustic on The Late Greats.
  21. The Beatles were an integral part of my childhood. Rubber Soul!
  22. Either Cars Can't Escape or Magazine Called Sunset. Same as everyone else.
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