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Everything posted by Pocahontas

  1. Tonight it was roast, onions and potatoes in the crock pot, got to love the whole thing of throwing things in one pot and slow cooking it all day.
  2. I was not meaning anything bad about the children, I think it is wonderful that women donate their eggs so other couples can adopt an embryo and have a baby. There are to many people out there that would be loving parents who can not conceive on their own and any help from some scientific way to have one is great. I just did not like Bush having all those families up there with him yesterday and the news referring to these beautiful children as "SnowFlake Kids", they are just normal children like the rest of the children who are born. Sorry if I upset you in anyway, did not mean to insult an
  3. He has it all figured out the frozen embryos can be adopted and this children can be plagued with the name of being snowflake kids, whoopee
  4. Believe it or not Emmet Otters Jugband Christmas was one of my all time favorite Christmas shows as a child I couldn't wait til it came on, I just about forgot about it, thanks for bringing it back to my memory. I need to find it somewhere so my children can see it.
  5. Friends who come to your house with their spouse or boy/girlfriend and decide right then and there to start an argument with each other.
  6. 1. Rolling Rocks 2. Little Kings 3. Sammy Adams OctoberFest 4. Flying Dog 5. Hobglobin
  7. One of the best performances I seen on TV was Eddie Vedder doing "Masters Of War" on BobFest. He was so into the song and intense you could see the veins in his throat bulging out. The way he sang the song gave me goosebumps and when I see it again it still does.
  8. 1. Scarlet Begonias 2. Sugar Magnolia 3. Cassidy 4. Ripple 5. Terrapin Station
  9. All man for real we are going to Fort Wayne? We can stay at my sisters.
  10. Last weekend purchased Grand Theft Parsons for 2.00 thank god we didn't spend anymore than that on this flick. It was not a very good one, if it wasn't for the burned out hippie the movie would not even been funny, which I know it should not have been since it was about the passing of Gram Parsons, but if not for the comedy aspect of the film it would have been real boring.
  11. This time of year I perfer a nice frozen margarita.
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