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Everything posted by Pocahontas

  1. Remember the rule of our house kiddo, no damn ouija boards, they are pure evil. You know what to do so do it your way and don't listen to those idiots you live with.
  2. Hopefully not as freaky as Regan on your avatar. If my memory is right that is how she became possessed on the Exorcist.
  3. I have tried chocolate stout, it is to bitter tasting for me.
  4. Glad you and yours are ok, slick roads are no fun, not a real big fan of driving in the winter.
  5. Speakin of The Great Pumpking Charlie Brown, my youngest daughter is in the high school drama club, they are doing the stage performance of The Great pumpkin, she is playing Woodstock. The director wrote her character in since Woodstock is not usally in the live performance.
  6. String Cheese Incident Yonder Mountain String Band The Cousin Brothers Pearl Jam
  7. I believe that happened to me once, I was staying at my sisters and I was sleeping on a hide-a-bed and I was dreaming about my deceased Grandpa, my grandpa told me he wanted me to see someone, who I thought was my deceased Dad, it scared me so bad I thought I was awake but I could not speak or move and it felt like the blankets were tightning down on me, it freaked me out so bad I never stayed at her house again.
  8. I would say Heavy Metal Drummer, anyone who was a teenager in the late 70's early 80's could relate listening to a Kiss coverband.
  9. My husband said the picture of Ann Hathaway makes him moist on the tip.
  10. Where we come from we call those nasty little earwigs, buttpinchers.
  11. Wow, that is pretty creepy, I have seen orbs in photos but I have never saw a being. My friend and I went to some cemeteries around our area and took pictures and we had a lot of orbs and electric beams in them. My kids also tell me the upstairs here is haunted, my daughter had her picture taken in the hallway upstairs and there is an orb in the picture with her, and you can hear someone walking up there sometimes. My bassett hound also sets at the end of the stairs looking up there, they say little kids and animals can see things that we donot.
  12. A pat on the behind to get their attention is ok. I always used timeout chairs for my kids and when they got older they were sent to their rooms. My mother always had us go out and pick a switch off a tree that was worse than the belt. My mother also used to throw shoes at my sister and she also gave her a few fat lips as a teen, there is a right way to discipline and there is a wrong way, my mother was wrong with the way she handled it. My family tells me I have the best behaved kids in the family and I never had to really spank them just used the discipline I have mentioned. Screaming a
  13. Happy 21st hopefully your not like my daughter who just turned 21, she said it isn't as fun to drink now that she is of age, she said it takes away from the snicking around and doing something that isn't legal for her.
  14. I agree with ya, those little bastards are one of the hardest things to kill, they never want to die. When I see one I just cringe.
  15. Well it is Wednesday and you know what that means: Sylvia Browne on Montel, she usually has good ideas on how to get rid of spirits, even though they will not hurt you but it is creepy hearing noises you can not explain or seeing things that are really not there.
  16. Just said goodbye to Mountain Bed and our son, they are on their way to Louisville. It is about 3 hours south of here. Please give good vibes for a safe journey.
  17. Had my first Octoberfest Sammy Adams tonite, good stuff. I reall want to try the dogfish punkin ale, I hear it is really good.
  18. I think I'll stick to a spoonful of peanutbutter, that sounds more comforting.
  19. The new song was amazing, it was a real rocker . Really enjoyed meeting Louie and Beth, you two are some really good people. My children really enjoyed their first Wilco show, even though it was a sad one.
  20. That was great, a good laugh for the day.
  21. A real big fan of John Grisham, I have read all of them.
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