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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon
"You either have to accept the apology or seem petty. There will be statements by Maher or some other liberal leaning broadcaster that will cross the line. It has happened before and will undoubtedly happen again.You either have to shrug it off and move on or open yourself up for the same treatment in similar situations in the future." lighten up frances
great. looks fine to me. now can i give my money?? the only reason this site is out there is because there always have to be haters. thats what they do. haters hate. i see a thousand commercials a day probably. i dont need an alternative view to them all. if a salesman makes his sale then im sold. get it?
its just a right wing talking point 66. its like 50 million parrots in a row
look i posted a link to someone trying to stop child armies and rapes. i dont need the "other side" of anything anything popular now is gonna get some brat talking junk. sucks to be them i already made my decision about what i think about this guy and his cause from what i saw in the video.
"It's not a contraceptive issue....though Obama, the brilliant politician he is...is spinning it that way to make him more popular to women. It's a constitutional issue" no its not. its the church trying to push some psychotic agenda on everyone. you know the funny thing i thought about the other day? the church doesnt even pay any taxes at all do they??
fuck Rush. any second of him getting shit is pure karma. he is human garbage
man i wish i could delete a thread i started
anthony is there anyway you can remove that link from my thread?? you know this AM when i posted it i somehow knew there would be some negative garbage from somewhere i just couldnt figure who would make it possible. i dont like the response and its just some college brat trying to be a smart guy.
damn. a motherf*cker cant just do something good anymore?? without some jealous prick picking it apart? one thing shows how good the internet is and the other shows how lame the internet is
Crow Daddy I read right wing websites all the time and they arent just defending him in droves they are tallking ten tons of shit about Fluke. I was more pissed on the interweb on Friday than i have ever been. i couldnt believe what people said.
Letterman had to spend like 10 minutes apologizong to Palin. should he?? i dont know or care. hes a public figure. aint no sweat off my arse but dont cry and moan when people get offended.
screw any junkie that talks about people getting thrown in jail for drugs.
did you check out the other 15 things he said about her over the course of the week?? its not about defending or not defending. it is what it is. hes free and clear to do whatever he wants. he advocates daily for the president to get impeached and so forth so im supposed to cry about someone not liking what he says??? I dont think so buddy.
mines Tipitinas when they had the horns
oh my lord. i didnt start until late 80s but i was always pissed that i never heard a lazy lightning>sup you must have caught one of those please describe mojos and the country club. i would love to hear about this. you must have just been at jerrys feet basically. oh and a weather report suite
where did this crap come from anyway? ive never heard this brought up by any politician in my entire life. contraception is some huge moral issue for church going folks now??? what about death penalty or war?? i just dont get. some new issue they thought they were gonna bring the religious out of the woodworks to support them on. well ive never seen such a backfire in all my life
damn the best one was one that i was at?? :-) no way! that show was allsome for sure. that whole run tell me about a small jerry show. i would pay 10000 for a ticket. it must have been loud and great
So private religiously-affiliated institutions paying for birth control pills for their students is the reason the budget isn't balanced? I can't believe how simple it is.
actually the 15 million number has zero basis in fact. he used to say 20 million the number is absolutely unknown.
i dont want you to force me as a taxpayer to pay for your religious beliefs vis a vis millions of unwanted pregnancies and births. we dont have the money weve got a budget to balance
bleedorange i dont understand why conservatives dont want to cover contraceptives. you guys want the insurance companies to pay for millions of unwanted pregnancies and births but we dont have the money for that. We need to balance the budget and i dont know why you want me to pay for your opposition to contraceptive coverage.
What was the smallest venue you saw them in? Best show??
Why did Nancy Pelosi have to set him up like that??
holy wow! what was the venue like?? tell us a story??