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11/11/11 Rockpalast Show- Complete Broadcast & Concert!
IRememberDBoon replied to linclink's topic in Just A Fan
honestly until i just got stoned and listened to one sunday morning and art of almost i didnt know stinkin shit about wilco -
http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2012/0319/NASA-to-launch-one-rocket-per-minute-tonight-for-five-minutes http://www.space.com/14900-5-rocket-launches-5-minutes-light-night-sky-video.html http://sites.wff.nasa.gov/webcast/
but hes posting it because its so clear and he couldnt say it any better
typical right wing claptrap. call everyone a traitor a blind sheeple and ignorant morons being lead to the slaughter hell bent on the destruction of the constitution and all of mankind and someone calls you a c*nt and you start crying. i started in this thread asking simple questions and you would never answer me. sorry for being uncivil. I did look further into the KONY video. 1. He said in the video that Kony had left the country. 2. We sent in 100 advisors (noone said anything about an invasion) 3. The organizations numbers were looked at and found to be more than 40 percent going dir
i test software during the day and am building a website that im gonna launch in a few months hopefully you know its funny. i was thinking about the kony video the other night. I would guess that the 30 minutes i spent watching that is as long as almost any peripheral subject that ive looked into and taken a position on. i see pieces on 60 minutes that are 15 minutes long or less and get an idea of what i think about something. so the idea that someone is a sucker for wanting to support that cause because they quickly bought into something is 100 percent complete horseshit. let the kid
some of my buddies used to prattle on in the 90s under Clinton about this same crap sparky is talking about. Its firmly rooted in anti semitism actually but you cant fault someone for not being smart enough to see that when they think the world is coming to an end. From Wiki: This conspiracy theory states that a group of international elites controls and manipulates governments, industry, and media organizations worldwide. The primary tool they use to dominate nations is the system of central banking. They are said to have funded and in some cases caused most of the major wars of the las
glen beck said the economic collapse was coming in late 2010 man. youre behind the times. he said the dow would be at 3000 for absolute sure. "Maybe it was not mentioned in the mainstream media, but folks were writing about the numbers being far worse than the ones being reported back then as well. The government is just under reporting the true number of folks who are out of work but have given up hope of finding employment. Just like the inflation figures. The old system, dumped back in the Reagan years I think, shows over twice the inflation if used to calculate price increases today. I
Sparky do you mind if I ask? Do you work for a living?
that thread you posted about the jobs added did nothing to disprove the bureaus numbers. it actually broke them down. its funny when we were losing jobs you never heard a peep that the numbers were off. now that we keep adding there is a stink every time things get better. stop hoping for the worst sparky and try and be happy that things are most obviously getting better. just be happy.
get it man! youre deep!
sparky again. the rate may be subjective but the number of jobs added per month isnt. do you understand what im saying?
Wilco songs they dont play that you want them to.
IRememberDBoon replied to IRememberDBoon's topic in Just A Fan
hells yes! pot kettle black rocks!@ -
no matter what the unemployment "rate" is they can never ever argue with amount of jobs added per month. the amount of jobs added is at a 4 year high and has been for the last 3 months
I am glad Americans have become optimistic about the future.. Best judge of optimism is the stock market.. DJIA when Bus...h left office = 6427, DJIA now over 13,000.. Also glad tens of millions of Americans didn't have their retirement funds swept away due to destructive Republican policies.. Also glad Bin Laden is history.. Also glad Gaddafi is history.. Also glad there has been NO successful terrorist attacks in our country under this president.. Also glad, for the first time in 5 decades, America's dependence on foreign oil is below 50%.. Also glad; for the first time in 20 years, manufact
i thought the constitution was at the archives under a highly protected piece of glass.
yeah the people walking around not even listening, the size of the place. there are just so ,any cool things about this that i like for some reason. it must be watched full screen
Something about this is so gorgeous to me. Maybe it was that perfect filming time of day. i dont know. this is a great a live music performance as ive seen. maybe its the HD when its full screen.
??? thats Willin by little feat isnt it?
i watched the devil and daniel johnston for the first time today whoa. anyone seen him live?? i would love to go to a show. how many of these recluses issues started with drugs?? one thing is for sure. LSD is not good for folks with pre existing psych conditions.
sparky what do you think of streetlamps and sidewalks?? how do you propose we create them?
friggin LOVE wherever!
abortion is actually one subject that i respect the other sides belief on.
heres a good one i found on redstate the other day: Repent people of your sins....Ask Jesus Christ to be your personal savior....Jesus will have to come to rapture his church in the next year since Obama is scheduled to start microchipping people in December.....Tribulation will be here soon.....Don't be left behind......I have posted the Gospel of Jesus Christ on my notes section on my wall for all to read. Be Save...d,,,be ready to go with Christ......what is coming is going to be a nightmare......and all that will be left behind are these hateful muslims who practice beheading people and
black moon is a song that i definitely want to hear them play now
its just like the difference between DC and Richmond. living in DC thats all we talked about 24/7 basically. everyone was a fed in one way or the other. had great friends that worked for clinton then bush then obama and on both sides of the aisle in congress and for lobbyists and non profits. it was never personal and noone ever got mad. thats the thing people outside of the beltway dont get. in DC its all friendly as hell really. its a small town and noone would ever let their politics get in the way of making a friend. you just couldnt. now down 95 about 90 miles and it couldnt be more d