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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. if it finally comes and we get caught out in the streets, what is the shittiest most processed food that you would take along?? im gonna have to go with this after so many years by my side. I still love the.
  2. the tea party started under president bush?? i missed that Kevin
  3. Why would I want to think that? Nothing in the tax code changed. The color of the president did. Listen to them talk about Trayvon and you'll see where they stand. you think the great white masses would have coalesced against a white man?
  4. McCain would never have said half the junk Romney has said and President Bush was Jimmy Carter compared to the two of them. If you dont see the influence of the tea party on the republican base and general platform im not sure what to tell you In 2010 they elected like 40 members to congress and way more locally that identified themselves as "Tea Party". Never happened before that I know of.
  5. THE TEA PARTY WASNT EVEN AROUND THEN BLEED! It was formed as a reaction to a black man being President and they can carry rifles and even machine guns to their rallies and the occupy folks are the ones that get pepper sprayed and dragged thru the streets. And on the taking sides issue. Im proud to be a democrat and im proud of my party. Why would I care what anyone thinks of that?? Its not a matter of being subjective and both sides are the same. If you think then you know absolutely ZERO about politics. But see thats the easy way out to call foul on both parties but some of us see the dif
  6. There is Kelly Ayote and she seems ok on the outside and is articulate. Shes batshit down deep though
  7. paul ryan is so full of BS its unreal. im thinking it will be him or theres a few women that could do and maybe rubio. whoever it is the person will be lauded by the right as the second coming of jeebus himself. the vp candidate is gonna look good to simps
  8. the one dude really does look exactly like Jim James you must admit
  9. you'll be fine Bosco my man. keep your head up and have fun with the ones who love you unconditionally and you love. the "everything happens for a reason" is so simple and dumb especially when youre going thru it but it really is true. things will get better and you will be happy as hell again. just keep movin bro
  10. "But it may have to take a Democratic loss to prove this to everyone." already did that when those jackasses talked junk on gore in 2000 and some voted for Nader. perfect example of the american people taking great leadership for granted and being completely short sighted. then came Kerry and i dont know what happened. the morning after kerry lost i went into a funk (there was some anti gay vote involved as well that made me very angry. i was living in dupont circle DC at the time and surrounded by loving gay couples and i knew they were whats good in america) anyway for a few year
  11. same type of thing here and it sucks that if they play local i have to think about what im going to do/say when i see her at the show instead of just thinking 100 percent wilco the last show like that all that crap melted away with the first note and i didnt even see her til after the show outside and she asked "did u make it inside"?? i just laughed and hugged goodbye again.
  12. so when republicans spew this new horseshit line about half of us not paying taxes are they tlkaing baout children and elderly?
  13. http://sphotos.xx.fb...864709894_n.jpg i kno wit has but its worth discussion for a bit isnt it? whats the hardest number 7 or number 8??
  14. AND i would pay ticket price to see those four in a row and go home with a glass of wine
  15. after i listened to one sunday morning and poor places I kept the video going throught art of almost and I might and being damn glad i didd. the rockaplast
  16. i heart m ward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-zCHXNSJ0E&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLC27B91B39F2FDE9D
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-zCHXNSJ0E&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLC27B91B39F2FDE9D
  18. Talking Heads Remain in Light. I cannot even imagine when i hear once in a lifetime what it must have been like to buy that album and hear that for the first time. The back and forth in Day In the life Wilco One Sunday AM and Whole Love from that Rockaplast video
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