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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. thats the dumbest most unfunny piece of garbage ive read in a long time. racist and lamer than hell
  2. Here's the guitar properly weeping on this song My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlWMe1Cb4rE
  3. Shit Ive seen Nels do better solos than that and Im not even kidding. Great stuff though. Do slower more "nuanced" build up solos count? If so garcia and anastasio crush the guitar gods
  4. Ive been seeing them since 88 or whenever and I saw them Saturday night. It was as good as any show Ive ever seen. Absolutely terrific.
  5. yeah like i said earlier i just like seeing Pat come down and tear it up and i like how he says "ddear" at the end of each verse. has that totally changed?
  6. sounds fun. I love Ocelot and Light and most of the new ones. VERY underrated album for sure. im looking forward to Sat night
  7. check out Trey here. looks like hes having a grand old time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbNG74Vc8W0
  8. But if you like rock and roll shows and dont at least like the first 30 seconds of this you need to get yer fuggin head examined. This is from the other night and SO good. The first thing it proves is that Chris Kuroda is BY FAR the baddest light designer in the business. My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o485tXDBDtY id love to hear what the haters think of this intro.
  9. washingtonpost.com howard kurtz media notes among other stuff nytimes.com huffingtonpost via chicago phans youtube to watch music videos ive grown to LOVE mediamatters especially the mmtv section although it makes me sick every day facebook
  10. i hate alot of band names sixpence none the richer blows all of the cover band names make me cringe Phix The Dave Matthews Cover Band i do love The Dead Kennedys and The Circle Jerks though
  11. Come on children, you’re acting like children Every generation thinks it’s the end of the world All you fat followers get fit fast Every generation thinks it’s the last Thinks it’s the end of the world It’s a dream down a well It’s a long, heavy hell I don’t care anymore, I don’t care anymore It’s a fear to transcend, if we’re here at the end I don’t care anymore, I don’t care anymore You never know Come on kids, you’re acting like children Act your age Get back to black metal and pearls All you sword swallowers, pull yourselves together Every generation thinks it’s the wors
  12. that ending where pat jumps up and comes down ripping isnt there anymore is it?? plus he doesnt say "dear" at the end of the verses like he did.
  13. Jeff should cover “Youre Beautiful” by James Blunt
  14. not really sure. its just really different and not like it should be
  15. isnt the super collider or whatever supposed to create energy from nothing? i truly believe we will be off of fossil fuels for the most part within 20 years.
  16. i mean why did they change it??!! they should ask me before they go and do crap like that My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsjCzx89uvM
  17. I see nothing wrong with the tone of that cryptique and thank you. Were only talking about the future of the planet and mankind here. Anyone who buys the thing about "well the earth hasnt warmed in ten years" or whenever the highest temp was is so frikking ignorant that they will never come around. braindead and brainfed. they just believe what theyre told and dont ever ask why.
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