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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. So does this mean the answer is no?? What about this one that I thought was really gorgeous too??
  2. i was at that Charlotte show. GOOD TIMES!
  3. I listened to it at least 12 times in a row yesterday. My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj8HDe5M-Jo&feature=player_embedded
  4. No OFFENSE but this post is an everloving stinking load of horse dung. I mean what the flipping fukk are you talking about?? they play WAY more new songs off of albums every night and have been for the last three albums than ANY other touring band on the road. I mean this post is like the opposite of reality. NOONE incorporates more new songs in their setlists than Wilco. NOONE. Name one band. thanks smoke another one donkey. youre lost. the only thing wrong with Wilco's setlists is no Hell is Chrome
  5. i think i might have to hit the show on thursday. im starting to get excited
  6. NO WAY!!! holy christ on a stick! you serious clark??
  7. I think this post is the largest pile of dog doodoo ive ever seen on here and thats saying alot. youre opinion sucks shit
  8. SWEET PRO SHOT FROM JUNE My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PTJHhUeAfc&feature=channel
  9. HORSESHIT. I dont agree with either assessment but it certainly doesnt apply to Wilco.
  10. I thought the lyrics were the shiznit! I love when he busts into that first verse and the verse is a great one
  11. You must listen to the whole thing our your opinion is donk I just listened to it 8 times in a row and I dont even like this band that much.
  12. mtt you ever heard of The Other One or Caution or Born Cross Eyed or The Eleven? Pretty nasty and stinging if you ask me.
  13. which jamband sounds like the Dead? I only saw GD 120 times or so so Im not that well versed but the ending of Ashes of American Flags sounds like wanka wanka jamband to me
  14. Especially since Nels joined. All wanka wanka jams and happy happy joy joy lyrics.
  15. Jeff wouldnt sign no shit like that. The promoter for all the shows I see in CVille is Corin Capshaw and hes a cutthroat businessman but not like that. They played Browns Island in 97??!! DAMN. Was it just them or what?? I would cut off a finger for a multi night run here. It would be the highlight of a decade for me.
  16. "I was on mushroom chocolates at Tipitinas and some dink behind me started singing EVERY single word to EVERY single song. After about three songs I couldn’t take it and took off out of the crowd and ran to the back of the room. The mushies had me embarrassed for the guy or something. I flipped." Can I add that this was at the absolute top of his lungs
  17. Its directly across the street from The National. Part of the new CenterStage Id rather them play The National as well but I just want them to fukking play Richmond
  18. RICHMOND VIRGINIA! has waited long enough! 1800 seats would be perfect for you guys here.
  19. Awkward Family Story: The Thanksgiving Letter From: Marney As you all know a fabulous Thanksgiving Dinner does not make itself. I need to ask each of you to help by bringing something to complete the meal. I truly appreciate your offers to assist with the meal preparation. Now, while I do have quite a sense of humor and joke around all the time, I COULD NOT BE MORE SERIOUS when I am providing you with your Thanksgiving instructions and orders. I am very particular, so please perform your task EXACTLY as I have requested and read your portion very carefully. If I ask you to bring your offer
  20. BAH! I think I air trumpeted for the Total Pros in New Orleans bwaaaaaaaaark! WTF??!!
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