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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Jules the reason the 5 percent should hit the upper income brackets is because they are the ones that got the cuts over the last ten years. Ive never understood the crying for these 250K people. Can I PLEASE get into that higher bracket! I wouldnt care one damn bit and would count my blessings.
  2. We sure know one thing. You Republicans have ZERO idea how to pay for anything. Thats for sure
  3. what did he say to hurt someone's feelings??? that he left the rich folks out??
  4. Exactly what it was in 2000. the last time we balanced the budget. Again, we didnt want it to go higher we just did not think they needed a cut. seems to me pretty obvious where those tax breaks got us but thats subjective of course
  5. See Jules. These poor "rich folk" you cry for got a tax break under President Bush that should never have happened. We didnt believe in raising their taxes from where they were under President Clinton we just didnt think they needed a tax cut before the middle and lower income taxpayers. Democrats believe in balancing the budget and paying for what we spend. Were not able to do that this year but we will get it done and this is a fine first step.
  6. exactly. especially when everyone is healthy wealthy and wise. as far as them not being as good live as Wilco and Son Volt I say poo. I missed the shows back then much to my regret but the DVDs I have are phenomenal
  7. If you dont see a difference youre not paying attention. Especially in Justice Department happenings. As far as 1/10th of one percent having civil liberties changes............is that really your argument??!!
  8. I agree but if they did it just for the music then that would be a good thing. I actually think these shows would sell less tickets than a Wilco show. 930 club would be a perfect venue
  9. um OK. sorry about that. I was just responding on the internet
  10. Actually Democrats presented 3 plans. Republicans presented a fake plan at first and then no plan at all. CBO says the Bill is going to save the US Govt money. Not cost anything but save us money. Get it?
  11. give them a situation like for instance: An illegal immigrant comes to the emergency room with his hand cut off. What do you do? How bout if he has a head cold? How bout a stomach ache?
  12. How bout Farrar with Leroy Bach and Autumn Defense behind him
  13. Not to some people they arent. I love when Republicans are pressed on the health care issue. They have ZERO real world situational answers. All they want to do is hand The President a defeat. They talk as if the bill is going to ruin The United States.
  14. not sure im just repeating what mr tweedy said
  15. some guy named Jeff Tweedy said it a few times. Most notably he said that he used to speak into the mic and Farrar would go ballistic
  16. shes stood behind her death panel comments numerous times. She says everything he does is leading us down a socialist path. I know im a fan of hers on facebook
  17. ok how about this. Jeff tweedy is wilco and jay farrar is son volt and jeff tweedy and jay farrar are uncle tupelo
  18. nothing much apart from calling The President a murderer and communist and so forth. like i said she doesnt just disagree like Sen McCain or someone she lies her fart face off. screw her.
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