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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. I think we should institute Ikol's brilliant idea of tracking everyone's intake throughout hteir life and then decide when they get something whether or not they deserve care based on said intake. Shouldnt be too hard to manage. If they did smoke then they shouldn’t be treated for lung cancer and should suffer and die in the street like the dreg they are. Jeff Tweedy for instance.
  2. some of the cleanest sounding shit ive ever heard
  3. this is a great clip from her on beck yesterday. http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201001130039
  4. he was a great president though. you must admit the 90s was a great time for the US
  5. Im gonna have to go grab this one. I wonder if Hillary ever gets any on the side??
  6. What happened to Weve Been Had anyway?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y_DwkBD_II
  7. ticket brokers snatch all that shit up in the DC area. you just have to pay 100 bucks to see Wilco now
  8. With all due respect you must have fallen and hit yer head on a patch of ice
  9. When was the last one of these?? I think I felt a tingle up my leg but I dont know why.
  10. Oh The National by far!! Its a bar and GA and Im a gonna be ridin that rail fer sure. Its brand newly renovated and beautiful and perfect sound. It might be better than the 930 and I worship the 930
  11. where do you live?? the berry burke building or something?? it shouldnt be a problem online
  12. dude I work right next door to the national so im about as happy as a human can be. i seriously am gonna be sick im so friggin stoked.
  13. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! This has made y motherfing YEAR!!!! I think im gonna cry!! The National is a premiere venue!!! A fuGGING BAr !! I love you Wilco. Thank you so much!!!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqA4fM65JF4&feature=player_embedded
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrFwtlMd0H8
  16. Kevan I would highly advise you to check this one out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L89rV9zNLAQ
  17. mountain bed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8w6hLlQe6o
  18. Heres another GREAT old one I was at. Van Rypers Lake. I would pay a grand to get back to this. A one foot stage and a beer truck all right on a lake beside a mountain. Check out the dancing and the clothes and the amount of people up front. A little less than Central Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZnIib4r_7Y
  19. Central Park Ants Marching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXPOHCsgWFw&feature=related
  20. So maybe we could play a game based on personal experiences. Well Ive lived in either DC or Richmond my entire life and Im 40 so I was in the middle of the jamband explosion in the late 80s early 90s when it happneed. . Anyway. When DMB first started they played for $2 EVERY single Tues night at Trax in Charlottesville and $2 everyt single Wed night in Richmond at The Flood Zone. This went on for 18 months straight. I went to at least 8 or 10 of these shows over the course of that time. At the beginning noone would approach the stage and just hung in the back by the bar while some band
  21. dude. that word show will be a super special treat. i fugging LOVE me some Word. Phish and word sounds so good to me right now. im jealous as hell
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