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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. KevinG being a Wilco fan im aware that most including you are too cool to listen to DMB and always will be. If you dont like that song im not sure what to think but I think its gorgeous
  2. just married this weekend. wish me luck!
  3. not at all. its actually a song i love and think is really good.
  4. Id love to know what you guy think of this. I know its painful and uncool for most of you to listen to. Thanks My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L89rV9zNLAQ
  5. whats that venue like? it looks pretty cool on the interweb
  6. you dorks are making my head hurt. STFU!
  7. If they asked you if you have a request what 3 songs would you pick? I'll start: Wherever Long Time Ago DBoon Any chances of any of these ever being played? Does he turn down requests at Letters for Santa??
  8. Looks like that show at Teatro Della Pergola is one of the first rock shows there ever. I hope I can make this trip happen!
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1206617/Like-complete-unknown-Bob-Dylan-frogmarched-collect-ID-rookie-policewoman-fails-recognise-scruffy-music-legend.html
  10. is there a chance in hell of finding it at a store or internet only?
  11. Is this thing worth getting?? Im a HUGE Mermaid Ave fan. I think I listened to "I Guess I Planted" about 27 times in a row one day.
  12. Friday, Aug 14 2009 Like a complete unknown: Bob Dylan frogmarched to collect ID after rookie policewoman fails to recognise scruffy music legend Back in 1965 Bob Dylan sang: 'How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown?' Now, 44 years later, the world-famous musician got his answer when he was stopped by a police officer who didn't know who he was. The 22-year-old officer asked the 'eccentric-looking old man' for identification papers after stopping him in the U.S. seaside town of Long Branch, New Jersey. Music legend Bob Dylan h
  13. damn I miss the concerts in the 90s. pre cell phones rocked!
  14. Anyone else really like the IATTBYH on the Ashes DVD?? i think that shit smokes
  15. Didn’t people used to body surf at early Wilco and Tupelo? Im sure they did. Some of you shoegazers must have been in the back crying Id like to have seen you folks at Tibetan Freedom Festival 98 or Woodstock 94 or Circle Jerks 85 or 6 for that matter
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