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Yaz Rock

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Posts posted by Yaz Rock

  1. Tough call my two favorite Wilco songs are Muzzle and War on War and both are track fours. Can I use Kicking Television?


    I wouldn't, but maybe you can get a pass for being the first list replied! I know, so many tough choices, that's why I like this better than just "list your favorite songs.".

  2. I didn't see this thread here in the searches, got the idea from other bands' forums, thought it would be fun to see here too...


    What are your favorite songs from the studio discs, track-by-track, in sequence?


    for example,

    Track 1 = One of (I Must be High, Misunderstood, Sunken Treasure, Can't Stand It, etc.)

    Track 2 = One of (Casino Queen, Far, Far Away, Someday Soon, She's a Jar, etc..)


    I treated Being There as two discs rather than a 19-track album, and included Mermaid Ave I & II. So many of these were toss-ups and could easily change in my mind from day to day, though tracks 2,5,and 9 were solid choices. The last few tracks are pretty much by default due to lack of competition.


    01. I Am Trying to Break Your Heart

    02. California Stars

    03. One Wing

    04. War On War

    05. Jesus, Etc.

    06. Handshake Drugs

    07. I Got You

    08. I'm the Man Who Loves You

    09. Via Chicago

    10. E.L.T.

    11. Less Than You Think

    12. The Late Greats

    13. Hesitating Beauty

    14. Another Man's Done Gone

    15. Someday Some Morning Sometime

  3. I didn't, as i will be out of the country for Ed's northeast dates and for the Wilco fest. Sorry to miss them both, but I'll be quite happy where I'll be. And, I won't miss spending nearly 200 bucks on EV either. In 2008, I had to eat my 2nd ticket as I couldn't get anyone to go with me - most people were happy with the one show they scored tix to... The last couple EV/PJ tours, it took me about 45 mins of server madness to finally luck out. Congrats to to you for scoring a pair, it's just gonna get harder and harder each time out.

  4. Saw Neko & Mavis last night in Tarrytown. Fantastic show. It was just Neko and Paul Rigby as the opening act. It was a real treat to see the acoustic show, even if it was the usual selections from Fox Confessor and Middle Cyclone.


    Mavis was great. Similar set to Solid Sound. Neko joined in for The Weight, she sang one verse in addition to backup.

  5. I taped all of AD and Tweedy. Also am not an uploader/downloader. I will send a DVD with all the wav files to someone who is committed to uploading. I'm no wizard at sound editing, so the crowd noise will come in loud after each song .If someone wants to take a stab at editing it, I'll send to that person... PM me, serious responders only please.





  6. I thought your other post said you did tape the Tarrytown show... I'm guessing you went stealth after this. Sounds like you ran into someone who think s/he is the sole protectorate of their workplace. Clearly, the posted signs and spoken announcements did not mention any ban against audio taping, which often is mentioned in the music hall announcements. The same thing happened when Wilco allowed photography, even SLRs. Some staff would say it's OK, others at the same venue would later tell you you couldn't, no matter that you had an approving email from Wilco's manager in your hand.... Sigh....In any event, there's at least one other recording which might surface in due time.

  7. Highjacking an older part of this thread...I'll second that, No Code and Yield in particular are my two favorites. Any and all of their first 5 albums are great. Binaural, Riot Act and Avocado have their moments for sure, but they have this overall downward feeling and I rarely feel compelled to play 'em start to finish. Backspacer "brought back" Pearl Jam for me Not they they ever went away, but it started to feel like Yield was gonna be their last great studio album. Backspacer was instantly likeable with a mix of upbeat sounding, kick ass songs and songs with the broader appeal of Ed's solo stuff.


    I meant Present Tense from No Code. And I'm probably in the minority of fans that thinks Vitalogy, No Code, and Yield are the best records Pearl Jam have recorded.

  8. I wonder if they ended early enough to accommodate the masses taking Metro North to NYC. Seemed like a lot of people were leaving immediately after CA Stars and before the house lights came on, not even bothering to see if there'd be another encore.


    I hope Jeff or some form of Wilco comes back here!


    When I bought tickets, I saw somewhere (can't remember where) that the show was going to be from 8 to 11. And when I was entering the venue tonight, I heard someone ask one of the employees what time the show would end, and he said 11. Wonder what the deal was. Either way, great show. And some priceless banter.

  9. The bird posters are awesome. But Tarrytown got a real treat. It's a tribute to Capt. Sully's Miracle on the Hudson, a huge guitar floating on the icy Hudson River with little people sliding down a ramp and holding onto lifejackets in the water. Very cool.

  10. Maybe he really did mean Santanic, as in , "like Santana."


    I haven't enjoyed any of the openers I've seen, except for Mavis this August, and Ben Kweller (opened for Jeff in 2001). At first I thought, "who is this ugly guy with bad hair and skinny jeans, looks like he's from Long Island, doing Vanilla Ice... this is terrible." By song 2 or 3, I was hooked, and went to every show he played in NYC that year.




    Most typos ever in two-line post? :P


    I assume you mean in 2001 since the date you posted hasn't happened yet. And Detholz! are definitely entertaining, but hardly Satanic...

  11. Most shows there don't sell out ASAP so usually their site is pretty cool in that you can pick the seat you want. I've often got front row side section as most people pack up the center section before the wings. For this show, people might have been better off going with their "quick pick" option. I have a feeling tix will be available for this show as it draws nearer, once people sort out who among their friends also got tix, and some leftovers will materialize. Good luck!


    I am frowning so hard it hurts. That Tarrytown ticketing situation was one of the worst experiences of my life. So effing convoluted and misleading and bad. :ohwell


    Anyone have two extras?

  12. That was the photo they used when they photography ban was announced. As if to emphasize, "This is annoying to see this all night, don't do this too." Now if camera makers would just go back to making cameras with viewfinders and not make people rely on LCD screens, we wouldn't have this problem.




    And yet, the background image on the band's own Wilcoworld.net "info" page seems to say it's okay...



  13. Agreed. Wilco followed the same procedures at Irving Plaza in 2004 (slightly larger venue) and getting in was smooth. The only time this procedure didn't work for me was when Wilco played Roseland, but apparently that was a venue-specific problem. (And Wilco have not played there since, thankfully. Bowery & Irving and much better anyway.)


    I have been to at least 30 shows at the Bowery..The are a very efficient oiled machine. I am not the slightest bit worried about the willcall for this show (Assuming I can score a ticket!) I have seen Depeche Mode here in a similar situation and it worked flawlessly.

  14. Was there a way to order tix without the 8.50 mailing surcharge (Tarrytown show)? That's an obscene amount of money to mail 2 pieces of paper. Perhaps there was a will-call option but in my haste to get tix , I didn't see it. The default must be set to the mail option. Anyhow, I am super happy to have scored at least 2 tix (tried for more, no luck) as I live in Tarrytown!! I can walk there!



  15. Stopped off I-76 in PA this summer and pulled into this place:





    And later I made a t-shirt from this logo:





    My gf spotted this one somewheres around Philadelphia this weekend. I like the font on this one too:




    Lastly, I spotted a Wilco office or factory about 10 years ago while taking a bus ride from downtown San Francisco to the SF airport. Didn't get a pic of that one though.



  16. I also taped the show (both nights actually, though my night 1 is incomplete.) I recently sent my files to someone who knows the digital trading world better than I, and hopefully that recording will be uploaded in due time. Until then, here are some samples from both nights, in MP3 format.




    File Name: Wilco-2010-0403-30BoxFullOfLetters.mp3

    Size: 4.71MB |




    File Name: Wilco-2010-0403-22-NotForTheSeasons.mp3

    Size: 8.84MB |




    File Name: Wilco-2010-0402-07-ViaChicago.mp3

    Size: 7.78MB |




    File Name: Wilco-2010-0402-03-BullBlackNova.mp3

    Size: 8.09MB |


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