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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. I am not a collecter of records or memorabilia. I do have an album that is rare and means quite a lot to me. It is a copy of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Why is it rare you wonder? (or not), because it was a gift from a student last year. She was a student of mine all 4 years and she is truly one of the kindest, most genuine people that I have met. She could have been the inspiration for Juno. She is the epitome of what I call a cool lil' chick. Anyway, it was the perfect gift, something that I NEVER would have bought for myself, hell never even considered buying, but nothing could have made me happier. I cried. She rocks and the world is fortunate to have her and all of the other amazing young people I have encountered in 22 years

  2. I've heard him tell people to come down front, too but it's pretty dangerous for people to clog the aisles. Not to mention all the people who tried to crowd their way into my seat/standing area/personal space. Maybe I'm just an old curmudgeon but unless it's the pit or a general admission show, I'd prefer people to stay in the seat they paid for.

    True. I can't say that i actually heard him say, "Fill the aisles", only to come down front. The truth is that that is an invitation for people in the back to scramble forward for a better spot and they are going to fill the aisles. I agree that clogged aisles are unsafe. I too get annoyed when people violate my personal space, even at a GA show if it's avoidable.

  3. At least at the Charlotte show, security made people stay out of the aisles.

    I can name some shows I attended where Tweedy encouraged people to fill the aisles and/or come to the front! Of course that was always mid-show or later ...

  4. I have enjoyed reading this thread. Mainly because it has reinforced the cliched but true adage about our differences making the world a more interesting place. I have never spent any time trying to uncover the meaning of "I am an American aquarium drinker, I assassin down the avenue" or any other lines in I Am Trying... . I don't have any memoreis of trying to ever decipher the meaning of any abstract lyrics by anyone. I am sure that I have but not recently and never for very long. I just enjoy the songs/lyrics as they are. I am moved by the word play and imagery of abstract lines. For example, I enjoy the line "I am an American aquarium drinker, I assassin down the avenue" because of the imagery. I remember smiling the first time that i heard it , picturing a guy guzzling from an aquarium while running people down in his car. To this day I have that image. I think that I have always, or at least almost always, taken abstract lyrics literally. Maybe that makes me superficial to some or maybe someone feels that I am missing out on the writer's intent. To me it means that I am actually getting what the writer intended because that is what they wrote.

    I have definitely come to dig this board. Thanks, ya'll.

  5. Funny, that was one of the worst Wilco shows I've been to. Had alot to do with the crowd around me.

    That is such bullshit, how the idiots near you can ruin a concert. Have you heard the show since then? It may sound like a better show sans boorish neighbors. If not and you'd like a copy, PM me.

  6. I would love to see them in Asheville

    Asheville would be great. I love that town. A fine beer city. Did you see them in Asheville back in October of 2005? That was truly one of the best Wilco shows that I have seen.

  7. " 'jcroach'

    I did not care for "The Search" at all. I haven't checked out Gob Iron yet. Is it any good?"


    I agree. Okemah and the Melody of Riot and The Search are hit and miss for me. Gob Iron is a good album. Jay and Anders Parker play all of the instruments. It is mostly reinterpretations of public domain tunes and is worth hearing. It may or may not hold up to repeated listenings depending on the listener...



    I thought Heidorn dropped out after Straightaways"


    No. He and the Boquists were there on the SV cover of 'Open All Night' from the 'Nebraska' tribute album in 2000. The 3 of them and Farrar couldn't work out the business end when Farrar wanted to get SV out of hiatus and record Okemah... in 2004. :ohwell

  8. Ahhhh...Jay Farrar in pre-"Wide Sing Tremolo" days...I finally dug some of that stuff out again the other day and it reminded me of just how little I listen to him now. :ohwell


    And yes, get March 16-20. Outstanding contributions from both Jay and Jeff.

    I can fully understand someone not digging the 2 most recent Son Volt albums or maybe some songs on Farrar solo albums but all of the first 3 Son Volt albums, with Mike Heidorn and the Boquists, are stellar from beginning to end. :dontgetit

  9. As Larry said, you will find it on one of the greatest albums ever recorded. The 16th anniversary of this excellent collection of covers and originals was a couple of weeks ago. You are very lucky because by listening to March 16-20, 1992 you will also be introducing yourself to Jay Farrar, another songwriting genius. I envy you!

  10. I mean that I don't skip songs when listening to a cd. I honestly do not have any cds that I regularly listen to that have a song(s) that is/are truly unlistenable to me. No albums that I love enough to listen to but on a track or 2 wail, "Dear God! That is a an aesthetic crime of the highest order! How that 'song' is on this otherwise excellent album is beyond my comprehension! Oh skip function, you are truly a gift from the Creator!" Maybe I am actually a poseur and don't really understand good music. Who knows? All I know is is who gives a tinker's damn whether or not someone does or doesn't skip tracks?

  11. The only time that I have ever skipped a track on an album (cd) was the horrid Bon Jovi song on the first 'A Very Special Christmas'. That song is just that bad. I personally don't get the whole skipping tracks thing. I know people that skip all of the Tweedy tunes when they listen to an Uncle Tupelo cd and I know folks that skip all of the Farrar tracks. I had never heard of the whole idea of skipping tracks on a single band/artist's cd until people started a thread about it on jayfarrar.net several years ago. I have to admit that I was flabbergasted. The concept is silly to me. What is sillier still is actually giving a damn if someone else chooses to skip tracks to the point of debating the issue. Why on earth would any one truly care how someone else chooses to listen to music? There are a myriad of pointless discussions on the internet but there can't be many that are more inane than this one.

  12. all of a sudden, my 10-year-old daughter is into the pogues


    in the car today, she didn't ask me to put on the hannah montana disc


    she said, "Dad, can you play that Turkish Song of the Damned song by the Pogues?"


    love it!

    You are a lucky dad!

  13. Mapquest is cool. I clicked avoid for I70 and forest Parkway and it gave me this. :cheers

    1: Start out going WEST on LACKLAND RD toward CONCOURSE DR. 0.1 miMap

    2: Turn RIGHT onto CONCOURSE DR. 0.1 miMap Avoid

    3: Merge onto MO-D E. 6.0 miMap Avoid

    4: Turn RIGHT onto MIDLAND BLVD. 1.9 miMap Avoid

    5: Turn LEFT onto DELMAR BLVD. 1.2 miMap Avoid

    6: End at 6161 Delmar Blvd Saint Louis, MO 63112-1200 Map

    Estimated Time: 20 minutes Estimated Distance: 9.36 miles

  14. Re: Westport, don't forget that Hwy 40 is shutdown and you'll have to get creative to find a new route from there to U-City.

    Thank you! Mapquest gave me this. Does it sound like a smart route? I appreciate it.


    1: Start out going WEST on LACKLAND RD toward CONCOURSE DR. 0.1 miMap

    2: Turn RIGHT onto CONCOURSE DR. 0.1 miMap Avoid

    3: Merge onto MO-D E. 4.6 miMap Avoid

    4: Merge onto I-170 S. 2.9 miMap Avoid

    5: Merge onto FOREST PARK PKWY via EXIT 1E. 1.3 miMap Avoid

    6: Turn RIGHT to stay on FOREST PARK PKWY. 1.6 miMap Avoid

    7: Turn LEFT onto N SKINKER BLVD. 0.4 miMap Avoid

    8: Turn RIGHT onto DELMAR BLVD. 0.1 miMap Avoid

    9: End at 6161 Delmar Blvd Saint Louis, MO 63112-1200 Map

    Estimated Time: 19 minutes Estimated Distance: 11.19 miles

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