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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. The song is beautiful so that's one thing I think we can all agree upon. :thumbup

    Exactly. Which is why I've always thought that it was about beauty and it's overall importance. The music is beautiful and the lyrics, though as a whole are somewhat abstract, when lines and/or verses are taken individually is stunningly beautiful.

  2. Distribution laws have always been unfair and geared toward the big breweries and/or distributors in most states. Guys like Larry Bell can find it to be a tough slog. I was very excited when Bell's finally made it F L A. I am not an Oberon fan (I don't care much for wheat beers except wheat dopplebocks such as Aventinus) but as a hop nut I treasure Bell's Two Hearted Ale. The Kalamazoo stout is also very nice. Thanks for the bump. I missed this. The article about the IL distribution laws was much appreciated.

  3. Well, the next few weeks and months should be interesting. Protest groups in Tibet, and maybe Taiwan, and gonna milk this for all they can. They want the world to see what a bunch of facsist hardliners the Chinese gov't are, while we ingest the grand Beijingoism show that the olympics will be.

    That no one recognized your coining of "Beijingoism", though not a human rights abuse, is message board decency abuse. Well done. That type of wit deserves it's propers.

    And I agree with most everyone one else. A boycott only hurts the athletes and would be the epitome of hypocrisy.


    Also the above 'panda bear' quote is perfect.

  4. I got 2 Thursdays on Wednesday and 2 Fridays on Thursday. I know that the venues are small but I think that all bands, hell all events period, that see inflated ticket prices as a problem have to move to will call only. If you really want to see the show at the price the band intended, you'll deal with the minor inconvenience. Hell, we wait in lines to get in for GA shows anyway. I am sure that many people will disagree...

  5. My Spring Break, I teach high school, is the 5th- 13th of April. My wife and colleague is taking students on a tour of Brittania. Not enough of them are going for us both to be free, so I was going to be home alone with the dogs and 20 year old daughter. I had a dental cleaning on the 8th and had planned on roadtripping to Tallahassee to see Son Volt with some pals. My step-father died on the 8th. My mom just told me that he wanted me to accompany my wife and took care of it so I could! Surprise, I'm going abroad!! :cheekkiss

  6. I have been higher than I wanted to be a few times. That is all that I meant by a bad experience. I didn't mean like a bad trip or the like. I have no idea on the wikipedia validity. Anything on Wikipedia is suspect.

  7. jen, I also urge you to look into Subaru. I currently drive a 2002 Forester. Excellent car. Over 60,000 miles and no major repairs. I have only done all scheduled maintenance as should be done on any car. Subarus rate very high with Consumer Reports. We always use their car buying guide and reviews when purchasing a car. subaru rate high in reliability and safety. The mileage is decent. The Forester drives easy and is great for long trips and hauling. Previously we had a 1996 Subaru Legacy. Bought it used, as we did the Forester, with 11,000 miles. At the end it had over 140 thousand. It was also very reliable. Subarus deserve a look. I am a committed Subaru man. Also check out Consumer reports and their services. We swear by them. Good luck. Regarding someone's mention of clutch wear, my Forester is a 5 speed. I have not yet had any transmission problems.


  8. Yeah, this is fantastic, thanks for your efforts.


    ...though it's also kind of depressing to see how much stuff I don't have and/or haven't even heard.

    I've heard it all so that means "I'm better at Wilco!"

    Ha ha! I kid, I kid! I'm just trying to fit in and use the vernacular.

    PS- there are actually a few that I haven't heard :dancing

  9. jnick, I see (and saw) your point. It begs the question, that if the reason for the appearance was exposure to possible new fans and possible increased record sales, then why play 2 songs that though I personally like alot, I can't imagine ever hearing on commercial radio therefore i can't imagine them attracting your average SNL viewer?

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