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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. we have a regional holiday here--we always get a day off whenever the yankees are eliminated from the playoffs.
  2. if i had a donkey, his name would be Punch. and he most certainly would wear a funny hat.
  3. turkey stew with parsnips, carrots, potatos, sweet potatos, onions, garlic and peas. not bad. needed more favor though.
  4. Nov. 1-4 are my dates...I had no idea Louisville was so close! I do know that there is a pool at the hotel. Beyond that?
  5. i'll be at the indianapolis hyatt for a conference on biofuels. are there any VCers in the area?
  6. doesn't look like i'll make it to Chicago while i'm in Indy after all. but is there anything fun to do in Indy?
  7. are you kidding me? how is it that I am older than the replacements?!
  8. i like how the players are celebrating with the fans and the champagne...
  9. if i were him i'd make some concessions to get the hell out of NY before he has a nervous breakdown.
  10. i have a kitten that looks just like Randy Johnson. Or as caliber says "if randy johnson and arod coupled, and the result was offspring in the form of a cat--this is the cat they would have." and speaking of A-rod, he's getting thrown under the bus by everyone. I think he needs a new team. I'm not a fan, but damn, he gets more sh*t piled on him especially in the last month. I'd tell NY to kiss my ass and i'd find somewhere else.
  11. we are all taking monday off to celebrate. Sorry Parisstale. At least it wasn't a sweep, and they weren't shut out today.
  12. we have returned from art festivals. this was easily the scariest thing i have seen: looks innocent enough, right? WRONG!
  13. i would like a fish biscuit cookie cutter.
  14. caliber: you should eat me: but i feel like i'm going to throw up. what if i throw up? caliber: more room for cake.
  15. i love ira glass. he's from the midwest--do you know him?
  16. i know, i was disappointed too, but not everyone can do the glass blow job like viatroy.
  17. but it wasn't a crime if the kid was 18. it was just smarmy and unsavory...
  18. i saw glass blown beads that did not have one eighth the beauty of yours.
  19. viral or bacterial? Are you licking everyone's keyboard and phone?
  20. well, breakfast was a big hit. I had two scrambled eggs, soft no pepper, and a half stack of well soaked french toast and three cups of tea. And my friend Monika came in just as i was ordering so she not only had breakfast wiht me, but she PAID TOO! I gotta take more days off if this is how they are going to be. In other news: i am wearing a turtleneck (gray) and a puffy vest because it is CHILLY here. Now i am off to buy some stuff.
  21. so your vote is go out for breffest?
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