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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. i didn't know deadlines were to be celebrated
  2. sorry. i'm still adjusting to my return to v.c.
  3. yeah, if i had time tomorrow i'd be all over it.
  4. i should be writing my essay that is due tomorrow.
  5. he was in a movie about christopher reeves?
  6. the freshmen i t.a. are idiots. they are blowing off an event they are required to attend. the funny part is the prof. i work with is the most hardcore prof. i've had in terms of grading, and i've already warned them all about that. i hope they are ready to end up back on their parents' couches.
  7. you know the best thing is that is still how he defends it. hilarious.
  8. MORPHINE! i don't think i'll ever get enough of them.
  9. time to meet with more freshmen. sigh.
  10. http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/inde...ts-tricky-riff/ it may have been 20 years for some of us, but apparently The Knack is just catching up to 1986
  11. i'm tired of meeting with freshman over papers that are utterly horrid
  12. i have a little philosophy that goes something like this: all girls are psychotic. and that's nothing against the ladies... 'cause heaven knows i love 'em, but really they are.
  13. that's actually not very funny.... last year this girl used to show up at my apartment randomly. freaky
  14. i should tell you stories about my oldest sister's wedding some time. high class debauchery and right in front of dear old dad all night crazy girl who won't leave ryan alone: "are you dating anyone right now" me: "no. i just get into trouble with random girls on the weekends." she won't stop talking to me. dammit
  15. i hear ya, this has been quite a doozie and it keeps getting more fun
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