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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. hey hey. how did your test go today?
  2. there is something seriously wrong with this girl... just in case ya'll were wondering
  3. the bridesmaid will have a room... then you can go by player's rules
  4. anyone have any idea why when i have to deal with one crazy girl i end up having to deal with all the crazy girls i've ever known because they all come back out of the woodwork?
  5. that's what i always found intriguing about pil... lydon's whole anti-band band philosophy thing is really interesting to me.
  6. the fact that i am not the one being perpetually cynical on this board is odd to me
  7. cool. well i partied hard last night, but i have to go back to being "academic" in the a.m. so i'm gonna hit the sack. good luck on your test
  8. hey, anyone who watched the show know what that song was that played while lisa was walking down the road collecting animals?
  9. i guess i'm the only one who liked it. oh well. i, too hoped for a bigger role for jack and meg, but i didn't really expect it because it's really rare for them to have a cameo that lasts longer than a scene or two. this wasn't my favorite episode, but i definitely enjoyed it... i don't think the simpsons has lost its edge at all, i just think they are more willing to do episodes that focus more on distinct elements. they definitely still have some very edgy episodes. but i'll stop there. i could go on all night.
  10. yeah i've tried multiple things including restarting, shutting down, etc... i have a friend who's used the program a lot so i'll get a hold of him tomorrow.
  11. when i go to open the program it tells me it can't open because another digidesign system is running, but i have no idea what it's talking about
  12. my pro tools is not working... i'm not happy
  13. there is a button for burning cds at the bottom right edit: guess i should have read the rest of the thread before i replied to that. oh well
  14. i haven't seen that movie in forever. i loved it when i was a kid... i wonder how i'd feel about it now
  15. any time you have a show, especially a comedy, that runs as long as the simpsons has there are always going to be lulls and a big part of that is turnover in terms of the writing staff. that said i think last season was probably the best season since season eight, it was a definite step up from the two or three seasons before it. and judging by last weeks episode i think there is a lot to look forward to with this season as well but then again, i am an admitted simpsons addict
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